The Root of All Evil (5/22)

*I do not participate in politics. I do not endorse any source. They are used for informational purposes only. 

This update should be viewed in context with my posts as a whole.

Please look into any of the topics discussed and come to your own conclusions.

All information is linked within the body of the document. I encourage you to watch the linked videos and take the time to read the links provided. 

This blog post is about events leading up to a quantum financial reset as well as its mystical origins, and why it matters; not just for our physical reality but also in terms of spiritual implications.

If you prefer to watch the video of this blog post please click here. This blog post includes additional information.

We are living in what's called The Inversion, or, the shift from dark to light. This was explained in detail in my video An Inconvenient Reality, please watch that video before continuing to understand and appreciate the significance of topics discussed, how they fit into the big picture, as well as the origins and functions of the ‘dark side’ and ‘light side’.

Let’s get started,

A financial reset is coming. The Great Reset represents the dark side, most are aware of this scenario which will likely continue to be implemented…until it’s not.

This blog is going to look at the light version, the quantum or worldwide economic reset, the foil to the dark’s Great Reset. But, at the end of the day, these two sides, dark and light, work together to accomplish total control.  

To oversimplify this concept, if dark then light. You already know examples of this, if hot then cold, high and low, death and life, on and off; a spectrum varying only in degree. So if there is dark, (which is what most people think of with governments, secret societies, big tech, big pharma, big agriculture, etc,) then the opposite on the spectrum is light. Think of a battery, it needs both poles to operate, the negative pole and the positive pole. Is God on this spectrum? No, because He has no darkness (1 John 1:5) His light is holy and He has no pole. So the pole, or opposite to the dark is false ‘light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14).

To get from dark to light, the powers-that-be accomplish this using hegelian dialectics of problem reaction solution. In this case, problem, (the dark-side’s oppression), reaction (dark-side oppression is bad), solution (freedom from that oppression / light side). The problem is never the solution.

We can categorize the two sides of the Lucifierian discourse into two camps: the dark and the light. Of course there is an infinite amount of middle ground, such as gray hats, pawns used to execute orders that further either agenda at any necessary time. But positions within the Luciferian hierarchy are mobilized between two extreme poles. This is not going to be an in-depth explanation of either side in totality, it is just a brief summary of the two.

The Stockholm (Syndrome) Around the World

The events we are witnessing and living through are coordinated. None of this has happened organically or randomly. From 9/11 to Covid, those two events alone stripped the world of just about everything we knew remotely related to freedom. The key word to remember is the word freedom. Our freedoms have been strategically stripped away by the powers-that-be so that they could be restored at their desired time to complete their dialectic. (Problem, reaction, solution)

The dark side is bringing the world to its knees so the light side can step in and save the day. 

How has the world been stripped of its freedom? Through the interweb of globalists who have built up a system of control throughout generations.

According to Merriam-Webster, the term ‘globalization’ means: ”a national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence.” 

And according to Blackrock Investments CEO, Larry Fink, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades.” 

Larry Fink is a globalist who recently joined the World Economic Forum as a Trustee.

Globalization was a part of the ‘New World Order’ (or the dark world order) where the elite controlled all banks and all major businesses around the world which gave power to multinational corporations, such as Twitter, Meta, Apple and other types of businesses.

Here are some familiar Globalists openly discussing the “New World Order” in the context of Russia not being part of it.

Biden discussing leading the New World Order: Source

Hillary Clinton wouldn’t let Russia back in the New World Order: Source

That's because the New World Order is synonymous with ‘Dark World Order’. That’s not the ‘Order’ Putin, and Trump, amongst others, are involved in now. Biden and Clinton are confirming the ‘dark’ side is in trouble.

Globalization gives the elite enormous control of goods and services as well as food production and the economies of nations. This pyramid of power was discussed in The Art of Deception. If you want to see how massive and corrupt the so-called elite’s power is, watch my PROGRAMMED series.

When the CEO of Blackrock, the world’s biggest asset manager, and a Trustee of the World Economic Forum says that “Russia put an end to globalization” that means the dark’s world order is imploding, right on schedule. As you’ll recall from An Inconvenient Reality, this was a system that was set up to be brought down. This will affect the Centralized (globalized) Monetary System in the form of an inversion.

What exactly is The Inversion?

In short, the occultists in power at the highest levels believe in a spiritual science called Hermetics. These teachings are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a character born of the myths of the Greek god Hermes and Egyptian god Thoth. One of the fundamental concepts is Mental transmutation which is the art of transforming, or changing the condition, quality or nature, of the mind from one condition to another. There are two steps involved in mental transmutation:

1. Awareness

2. Inversion   

In order to transmute negative mental states into positive states, one must first be aware that they are experiencing a negative state. The second step is to polarize that state to the opposite state. In other words, from dark to light.

Now that the world is more and more aware of the corruption of the dark, the inversion to the light has begun. It is a pole, which means it's on a spectrum from dark to light.

No group is more aware of the current state of darkness to my knowledge, than those who follow Q. They are eagerly awaiting freedom from the darkness in the form of the ‘light’, the opposition to the darkness. Well hang on, all opposition is controlled opposition. Do you really think the most powerful systems in our world just implode? The implosion is the planned mechanism used to move to the next phase - the light world order, or the so called Golden Age. At the end of the day, the highest level occultists work toward a singular goal, they just use both sides to accomplish it.

To understand the dark-side’s narrative watch the mainstream media sources and listen to the narratives they craft  (ABC, CNN, Washington post, etc)

To understand some of the light-side’s narrative, here is a Telegram account that is an aggregate of anons and their thoughts on current events (WeTheMedia)

Many want to believe in the ‘light’-side’s promises and retribution, but the game has been set up that way, to make you beg for relief. Who would not want an end to the chaos we are living through? Our empathy is a tool the powers-that-be weaponize against us to push us along any current they wish for the masses to go. Remain critical in your thoughts so you won't be swayed by emotions and can think clearly.

The systems that power this world are a closed group (as described in The Art of Deception). They are controlled by generational families with passed-down esoteric and occult knowledge. People like you or I cannot penetrate that circle. We can affect change in the lives of those around us, but we can never reach the levels of power and influence of families like Carniegie, Li, Rockefeller, Hanover, Rothschild, Bauer, Sassoons, Mouton, Hagger, and so on.

At the highest levels, any reprieve from the ‘dark’ is a careful calculation by the highest levels, adjusting the intensity by giving relief in the form of the ‘light’ side.

The Bible warns us of these powers and their spiritual influence in Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The Bible then calls us to take a stand, verse 13 says “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

On a macro scale, the powers-that-be are abusers and we are all victims of abuse. When the abuser beats you, isolates you, terrorizes you, breaks you down, gaslights you, and offers no escape, you are living in that moment, not necessarily thinking of how you can get out, but what you need to do to survive. Your reality becomes the abuser's reality. That’s what has happened with Covid, and many past events governed by the media (9/11, WW1, WW2 etc). When the abuser switches to caretaking and love bombing, and gives you food, clothing, and starts saying kind things to you, (or offers debt forgiveness, new currency, arrests of ‘dark’ characters, etc) does that make what they have done right? If they do it long enough, will you forget how badly you were treated? Does that make the abuser good? No, it makes you a victim and you have stockholm syndrome (having positive feelings toward an abuser or captor).

This is an example of how the dark side and light side narratives work. The dark side's abuse has made the world dependent on it, and when the light side comes in to ‘save the day’, so many forget it's just the right hand coming to save you from the left hand.

Many are understandably codependent on this world and its polaristic systems. 

Light Side on Offense 

The Inversion is a seismic shift in the world order. Tiny tremors are turning into an earthquake. The curtain got pulled back and we now see some of the ugly truths of the world. Like it or not, what started this mass awakening was Donald Trump. Witch Marina Abramovic talks about a shaman who had interesting things to say about Trump.

Something interesting to note is that on March 24, Donald Trump filed a RICO (Racketeering/Corruption) lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, head FBI officials, most of the DNC establishment as well as many others. He is requesting a trial by jury which indicates he has a lot of evidence he’s confident in against the plaintiffs. The lawsuit cites Attorney General Horowitz’ work as well as Special Counsel John Durham’s. In the closing notes, he states “Watergate will pale in comparison”.

Donald Trump sues Hillary Clinton and others over Russia collusion allegations: Source

Trump v Clinton: Source

For additional information on the RICO lawsuit, see Devolution Part 19

If you haven’t heard of it or read the series written by another anon, Patel Patriot, (who took his username from Kash Patel), here is a link to the entire series

Here is a link to the ‘sparknotes-style’ introductory version. 

The reason to pay attention to these anons is because they have full faith in the ‘light-side’ and source their opinions or research well. They are a good indicator of what is happening on the ‘light-side’. 

In short, Devolution postulates that Trump devolved the government after the 2020 election. He separated the powers of the government to an Executive committee made up of: Secretary of Defense: Christopher Miller, Secretary of Homeland Security: Chad Wolf, Director of National Intelligence: John Ratcliffe, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (APNSA) - Also known as National Security Advisor: Robert O’Brien, Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations: Tony Ornato and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy: Kevin Droegemeir.

While Trump remains as advisor, the Committee is in charge of National Security and essential operations while the ‘illegitimate’ government is seemingly in control. All of this, along with proof in the form of Executive Orders and actions can be found in Part 13 of the Devolution Series. 

Remember, a great majority of people who believe the ‘light-side’ is good are Trump supporters. The powers-that-be play this up and appeal to their nature to entice them.

On April 9, 2022 Trump had a rally in North Carolina. Almost directly behind him was a man wearing a Devolution shirt. The placement had to be deliberate, because those people are hand-picked to be on camera, since they’re behind Trump. This seemed to be a nod to the theory of devolution, indicating Trump did devolve the government.

Russia is taking down the central banking system, as described in the previous blog post. and Trump is taking down the Washington establishment, as we’ve seen over the last 5 years as well as by the filing of the RICO lawsuit.  

Russia is also going after the Biden family and has accused Hunter Biden’s investment fund, Rosemont Seneca, of funding the Pentagon’s military biological program in Ukraine. (Source) 
And on March 30, 2022, the MSM was forced to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which means they are no longer able to stop the information about the corrupt Biden family from coming out. It’s all but over for them.

Not only that, but according to an anon, BioClandestine on Telegram, and a National Counterintelligence and Security Center post on Linkedin, the government just confirmed that the US government has been infiltrated by state and foreign actors and that the “Deep State” is real.

This wouldn’t happen if there was only one side, the dark. You don’t play chess with one color. It is now obvious that something else is going on. The most plausible explanation at this time is Devolution.

We must have patience and watch all of it play out. This is preparing everyone, those who have been aware of the corruption for some time as well as those who have just discovered they've been lied to for a massive shift. When the masses are impacted on a personal level, they pay attention. Their health, their wallets, their paychecks, inflation has touched everyone in some way. Now people are starting to pay attention. This has caused humanity to lose trust in institutions like the press, voting system, justice system, legal system, etc. The people who ignored the tremors have no choice but to acknowledge the earthquake. 

We are now living in the ‘Great Awakening’ of disclosure (but we'll never know the whole truth). They will not disclose the corruption and inner workings of the light side, which are just as deceptive at its core.

The Collapse of the Monetary System

The first step to shifting the entire financial system is to destabilize the world’s reserve fiat currency; the U.S. Dollar.

Russia broke free from the U.S. petrodollar after they were sanctioned by the US and NATO. Petrodollars are not a typical currency; they're U.S. dollars that have been exchanged for crude oil exports. The U.S. petrodollar is the reserve currency world governments use. The general public deals in rubles, pesos, yen, etc. Governments deal in petrodollars.

Interesting article on Russia and BRICS countries considering using gold rather than U.S. petrodollar.

The BRICS countries are sticking together to trade without the Petrodollar and use other currencies instead. The BRICS countries include; Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and others are also considering dropping the petrodollar.

Fiat currency is a faith-based system. It is not tied to the price of gold. It is volatile.

The powers-that-be own most of the banks, so they steal our money to fund their activities. 

The definition of fiat money is: (from Latin: fiat, “let it be done”) a type of money that is not backed by any commodity such as gold or silver, and typically declared by a decree from the government to be legal tender. Fiat in latin means ”let it be done” - Fiat Lux is used by occultists to symbolize ‘Let there be light’. Fiat is an intention, let it be done, therefore, Fiat Lux means let there be light.

The hijacking of the word ‘light’ in the esoteric mysteries is discussed in my series MINDGAME

Fiat money does not have intrinsic value and does not have use value. It has value only because the people who use it as a medium of exchange agree on its value. They trust that it will be accepted by merchants and other people.This is why it’s called faith-based. The people who use money have faith that the people who run the monetary system will honor its value. 

Money is primarily controlled by a private central bank; the federal reserve. If the federal reserve is gone, money is worthless. The faith people have in the value of their money, is supported by the Federal Reserve honoring the currency.

In a new financial system, the old fiat currency will have an agreed-upon exchange rate for the new currency as well as an expiration date when it will no longer be accepted. In other words, it’ll be phased out. The current world order (dark), the way things are, is being replaced by a new system (light). 

The old system (Dark World Order) was a centralized system, the new system (Light World Order) is the illusion of decentralization. 

Donald Trump at UN Speech discussing sovereignty over globalism - ‘U.S. Rejects Global Governance’ (19:37-20:08):

The ‘Great Reset’ is not The Quantum Financial Reset

The Great Reset is essentially ‘A Continuation of the Same Ol’ Globalist Agenda’ and is still tied to the FED, is not backed by gold, and their proposed digital currency is still a faith-based system. That is not a reset, it's just more of the same, same old dark world order. It has nothing to do with any of the foundational pieces of the New Age NESARA ideology and a quantum reset. It’s the same ideology the globalists have always had. They use terms like the ‘Great Reset’ to confuse people.

This is not a reset, it's just a transition to more digital control. The two are diametrically opposed, as they are poles to each other. One is dark, the other is ‘light’. 

According to an article from ZeroHedge, using a new digital currency, such as bitcoin or the proposed Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) comes with one inherent flaw, they can be seized and controlled.

This quote from the General manager of BIS (Bank for International Settlements) details the dangers of trusting banks with the intended equivalent of digital currency: “The central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability [i.e. cash], and we will have the technology to enforce that. Those two issues are extremely important and is a huge difference to what cash is.” Augustin Carstens – BIS General Manager 

The article goes on to legally explain whyThe only replacement for fiat is a currency credibly backed by gold.”

 If the dark’s continuation of their financial system is ending, what then, shall replace it?

 A quantum financial system reset is the light-side’s polar opposite to the Great Reset. The Great Reset = more of the same, the opposite = something completely new. 

Putin said in a speech on March 27, 2022, “The whole world economy has suffered a major blow as did the trust in the US dollar as the main reserve currency. The illegitimate freezing of some of the currency reserves of the Bank of Russia marks the end of the reliability of so-called first-class assets. In fact, the US and the EU have defaulted on their obligations to Russia. Now everybody knows that financial reserves can simply be stolen. And many countries in the immediate future may begin - I am sure this is what will happen - to convert their paper and digital assets into real reserves of raw materials, land, food, gold and other real assets.”

Adding to the validity of Russia moving over to gold, an opinion piece on Marketwatch titled: “Russia just made a case for owning gold — and nobody noticed quotes Pavel Zavalny, the head of the Russian parliament by saying that if other countries want to buy oil, gas, other resources or anything else from Russia, “let them pay either in hard currency, and this is gold for us, or pay as it is convenient for us, this is the national currency.” 

In other words, Russia is happy to accept your national currency — yuan, lira, ringgits or whatever — or rubles, or “hard currency,” and for them that no longer means U.S. dollars, it means gold.“

The dollar ceases to be a means of payment for us, it has lost all interest for us,” Zavalny added, calling the greenback no better than “candy wrappers.”

What will this mean? Maybe nothing. Or maybe a lot. Especially if Russia’s lead is followed by countries such as China, India and others — countries that may not welcome Washington’s ability to control the global financial system through its monopoly power over the global reserve currency.

And on Monday, March 28, 2022, an article on the KITCO Metals site titled: Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

Russia has officially pegged the price of the Ruble to gold.

They have struck the first blow to the Federal Reserve Central Bank and the US Petrodollar. The Inversion kicks off a series of events like dominos and Russia is just one of those dominoes.

Putin is dealing with bringing down the Petrodollar, Durham is working on the criminal investigation of the ‘Russia hoax’, Trump has his civil lawsuit against HRC and others in the DNC which will eventually provide for discovery, which means documents, emails, texts, etc have to be disclosed, Hunter’s laptop has been proven authentic and could result in indictments against him, his uncle and his father. Every white-hat, or light side player, is going after a piece of ‘the cabal’, or the dark side. 

There is a military tactic that involves making the enemy fight on multiple fronts. This is what the light-side is doing to the dark side. This is all happening (daily chaos with new and ever more perplexing headlines) because the ones at the highest levels are making this happen to achieve their goal, to get to the synthesis or the solution to the dialectic; their Golden Age.

Do not be fooled. Putin is not the hero. By believing Russia is ‘good’, or Trump, or whomever is ‘good’, is to internalize the lie that the ‘light-side’ is good. Neither the dark nor the light side are ‘good’. They are two wings of the same (Luciferian) bird. They work together, perpetually braided, in a balance of dark and light. As they say, it’s always darkest before dawn. The present darkness was carefully crafted and planned so that the dawn could “save” us. Don’t be blinded by that light - it is not from God. 

Gold may be the beginning of the end for the Federal Reserve.

The Q Connection

We have discussed this phenomenon ad nauseum on my channel. I in no way support the movement, but it is a massive part of the dark to light narrative that cannot be ignored. To this day there are still what anons, people who follow Q, call “Q proofs”. For example, Dan Scavino posted the American Flag on March 28, 2022 which matches a Q drop from March 28, 2020 that discusses a new social networking platform. The anons see this as a “Q Proof” or a ‘delta’ since the picture, date and the fact that Dan posted it on Truth Social, the new social networking platform “prophesied by Q” two years prior, ‘hits’ on 3 things Q discussed. 

Also on Monday, March 28, 2022, Kash Patel responded to a post on Truth Social that was a Q drop from June 2018 that said, ‘Kashyap Patel – a name to remember’. Instead of calling it a conspiracy or questioning why the drop contained his name, he responded by adding additional information to the drop. 

As a former prosecutor, Kash was responsible for writing the depositions of Jake Sullivan (the current NSA director) and Former DNC lawyer, Michael Sussman for the Durham investigation.

Kash Patel talks about Durham investigation: (Source)

Dan Scavino and Kash Patel have repeatedly aligned themselves with Q and the anons on Truth Social. Don Jr. has also posted nods to the anons.

For example, on April 23, 2022, he posted this:

Further ‘Q proofs’:

Trump’s post on Truth Social using the word ‘Covfefe’ and how it connected to several Q posts (4/28/22)

General Flynn forwarded this post (4/28/22)

Trump’s 2nd post on Truth Social hit another Q timestamp (4/29/22)

There are high-level (light-side) people aligning themselves with Q and the anons. 

Q drop #570 from January 21, 2018 lists the steps that the ‘dark side’ had established as their 16-year plan to ‘destroy America’. Obama was slated to get 2 terms and then Hillary was to finish the work. Her tasks during her two-term, 8-year presidency were listed:

None of what’s happening today is a mystery. The dark’s original plan was publically known 4 years ago and everything we’re seeing today is an inversion of those plans. The implosion is by design, at the highest esoteric levels, this is necessary for the next phase. The solution phase of the dialectic: problem -> reaction -> solution.

Donald Trump is the catalyst for bringing in the light world order, he disturbed the old world order (purposefully) enough to cause a ‘Great Awakening’.

The ‘great work’ of the Light occultists is the free distribution and disclosing of how the Dark cabal used and retained control over the masses - the mission of the Q operation. 

Again, I am not pro Trump, or pro Q, I’m not on either side of this dualistic game.

Elon Musk Bid on Twitter

Devin Nunes says Trump encouraged Musk to buy Twitter

 Elon likely is trying to purchase evidence. 

Twitter suppressed news on ‘dark side’ characters (Bidens, etc) while amplifying the ‘dark side’ narrative (Russia hoax, etc) all in an attempt to shape reality and its users thoughts.

Elon would have DM’s, source codes, and evidence to prove manipulation of things like important information that had real world consequences.

He is attempting to show the public how many ‘bots’ are on Twitter and eradicate them.

Kash and Trump speak highly of Musk. He is a gray hat, he does what's needed by whomever needs it. Elon is progressing the ‘light side agenda’ at the moment

Kash Patel on Elon Musk: (Source)

Anon IET 17 connects the dots regarding the above clip

Elon should prove to everyone that the ‘Light’ side is not ‘good’.

Elon is a troll. He makes inflammatory statements and promotes ridiculous things to get a reaction. He plays both sides of the field, to further whatever agenda is necessary. He’s working on the ‘Light’s’ agenda of Inversion. He is a high level occultist who comes from a generational occult family. At the highest levels, there are no ‘sides’, there is simply the objective that is to be completed to reach the desired conclusion/synthesis/solution. 

Anon BioClandestine’s view on the situation: here

Spreading disinformation is a way to crush a movement, or the reputation of an individual, group, or organization. The MSM is targeting Elon, which tells us he is not playing on their team anymore. 

*As of July 8th, 2022, Musks’s bid has fallen through. The offer was contingent on real users interacting on the site, not the massive amount of bots that were found subsequent to his bid.

The Awareness Before The Inversion

Some popular anons are vocal about their disagreement with NESARA, yet they rally behind the same ideas: no taxation, new economic system, constitutional judges and government, etc. I’m assuming this is because the new agey sites that mention NESARA are 1. Controlled opposition. Most NESARA sources are deep state plants to discredit the movement, not unlike the “Qanon misinformation” movement. And 2. Anons like their work to be taken seriously and don't want to be associated with channelers or speculation. Understandable. Anons made a decision on their opinion on NESARA based on other people’s opinions of NESARA (blogs, podcasts, websites, etc) and not on the primary occult literature that you have to connect the dots yourself. 

Many metaphysics and wellness groups are full of disinfo and charlatans. The alternative path is paved with just as many traps as the mainstream.

Information on ‘NESARA’ is not found in many places, but the idea behind it is foundational to the Mysteries (dark to light). I believe it’s because they don’t realize they have chosen a side - the side of the ‘light’ which is part of the occult. In my opinion, they think  they're on God’s side, because they believe in the polaristic reality of dark and light, but they are uninformed of where their belief system really comes from.

Dr. Malone referred to a “boundary financial event coming” called the “Great Reset” and says we need to resist it to achieve the counterpoint, or the opposite, the pole, the Great Awakening. He likened it to a Renaissance.

Mystics and anons alike may disagree on the name (NESARA, return to a constitutional republic, just freedom as a whole, etc) but the general idea remains the same. 

One anon, Pepelivesmatter looks at it this way: “The cabal will fall and their central bank system and FED slave system are brought to it's knees to be replaced by a system designed to benefit the people. We are experiencing an uncomfortable but necessary shift into a reality much much greater than any we have ever lived in. With this shift comes a necessary comrade [camaraderie] between anons, a faith in God to keep us comfy in the storm, and memes. Never forget the memes. 

No matter how painful it might become we know that white hats [the light side] did their best to alleviate the suffering of the world during what must be done. The cabal [the dark side] and their system must fall so we might as well embrace the storm and hold our heads high and refuse to give the enemy a single inch of real estate in our minds. WWG1WGA.”

It’s understandable why this anon chooses not to focus on the narrative and instead on the counter narrative. However, this is also a mindset used in magick. Magicians (esoteric) and physicists (exoteric) believe that if you don’t focus on a reality, it ceases to exist - in quantum mechanics this is called ‘collapsing the eigenstate’. See the double-slit experiment in modern physics for more information on the micro scale that can apply to the macro. 

Pepelivesmatter expresses what the majority of anons have come to believe. He’s just one example of many, I’m not here to change his mind, just using him as an example. 

 In another post he says,

“They (Deep state, or dark-side, he calls the cabal) are imploding the entire system and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. The precipice will be felt. The entire system will be brought down in Biblical fashion. Wealth transfer happens in spades. The cabal loses their finances to God's people. 

Trump can come back at the opportune time and present new systems and an awakened world will be ready to move forward without the cabal.”

I personally don't believe people like this understand the magnitude of what they are saying. They want something better, but the ‘gift’ they're going to be given is an ancient occult bait and switch. It's a trick. This isn’t power back to the people, it's taking the power from their dark side and giving it to the light side. You’re still stuck in Luciferian duality. Even reddit users and social media accounts are behind the idea of the light-sides’ ‘freedom’. 

Regardless of belief system, humanity wants the same thing - an end to tyranny. We are not designed to live in survival mode - we need safety and we need peace and the ‘dark side’ has kept us in a perpetual state of survival these past 2 years. 

Here we can see an example of mental transmutation; the masses have become ‘aware’ and they want the ‘inversion’. Can you blame them? Of course not. The problem is, these systems are not easily toppled and there is an entire plan in the works, and we are not going to be free from these Luciferians in power until Jesus returns. He’s the one who puts an end to this duality.


Multiple avenues tell us a worldwide financial reset is coming. This is one small part of the overall goal of the powers-that-be from the beginning of time, or since their mythological sinking of Atlantis. 

One of the older iterations of this idea is something called NESARA and GESARA. NESARA stands for National Economic Security And Reformation Act, which is US specific while GESARA is the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act which is for the rest of the world.

While the theory of NESARA is based in the New Age ideologies, we can’t throw out the entire theory without examining it. By ignoring its origins in the new age, you may internalize the beliefs not knowing where they came from. There are many sites that have tried to strip away the idea of it’s mystic origins to try and sell you on it. We will take a look at the mythology of NESARA first, and then discuss what this might mean for the real world. 

It is doubtful what actually ends up being implemented will look like NESARA exactly as the lore is written, but some of the ideas presented in it may end up being relevant.

If we look at it historically, esoteric literature is clear that the occultists are working toward and awaiting this Inversion, and the ‘Golden Age’. 

NESARA: first, what is it and where did it come from?

NESARA is a difficult thing to research for various reasons. First, there is duplicity in the name, which may or may not be deliberate. In April, 2005 Dr. Harvey Barnard, PhD proposed The National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act with its website listed as The difference in the New Age version of NESARA and the one proposed by Dr. Barnard is the “S” and the “R” in NESARA stand for two different things. The new Age version is “National Economic Security and Reformation Act and Dr. Barnard’s proposal is the  “National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act. 

Dr. Bernard’s proposal was for a Fair Tax that never made it past Congress. However, when people research NESARA, they usually find this old proposal. The New Age version of NESARA is more detailed and centers around the character that symbolizes ‘freedom’ and ‘the Golden Age’, Saint Germain. Even though the New Age has no ‘official’ leader, the majority of their sites include the same principle points. 

The New Age belief says that NESARA is a “spiritually-directed financial program and traces back to the work of Saint Germain. It was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the time of transition”.

A quote attributed to Elizabeth Clare Prophet says “At the helm of this momentous purging of earth’s dark forces is the Great and Holy Master Sanctus Germanus again appearing at this particular flashpoint as he did in past history to guide and protect us at the threshold of the New Age”. 

Saint Germain is the key figure here. You must know about him in order to understand the magnitude of this connection. If you’re not familiar with Saint Germain and the lore behind him, please watch An Inconvenient Reality. We talk about his connection to the false “Light” movement.

The Money Museum in Lisbon Portugal has a statue of Hermes, the Greek god of trade and barter, addressing the visitors, proposing a direct exchange of goods for other forms of money. (get pic) Saint Germain’s followers claim he was Hermes, an Egyptian sage who was synonymous with Thoth. Hermes is credited with creating alchemy and developing a system of metaphysical beliefs that are known today as hermeticism, a philosophy followed by the occultists in power at the highest levels.

Another mystic site claims: “To unlock the secrets of Saint-Germain, we have to learn to think like an alchemist, think like a Rosicrucian, think like a Qabalist.”

One of the most well-known Hermetic teachings is that of “as above, so below.”

The most straightforward mystic definition is that anything that happens on Earth is also happening on an ‘astral plane’ and that things that happen in one reflect upon the other. By doing various things in the physical world, the soul can be ‘purified’ and become more ‘spiritual’ i.e. ‘enlightened’. The phrase ‘as above, so below’ comes from a Hermetic text known as the Emerald Tablet. The Hermetic texts are almost 2000 years old and have been influential in occult, philosophical, and religious views of the world. The Emerald Tablet also goes by the names Smaragdine Tablet and Tabula Smaragdina. Before he was considered a ‘god’, Thoth was considered the first great Egyptian philosopher, an alchemist, and founder of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. He received his ‘wisdom’ while in meditative trances, and wrote over 40 books. It is in the Emerald Tablets that Thoth, or Hermes, connects himself to Atlantis, claiming he was the High Priest there.

The Money Museum’s website continues to say, “The former chapel hosts the second Hermes statue, the figure linking the past and the future”. 

Isn't it interesting that it’s still the same figure linking our current system and the future system?

The mystic’s ‘Age of Aquarius’ is denoted by Freedom

A clip of Elizabeth Clare Prophet discussing the connection to Saint Germain. Freedom is the key word and, to them, the ‘flame of Freedom’ is Saint Germain’. The attribute esoteric groups give to this character is the embodiment of freedom, specifically, freedom from tyranny. The Great Awakening has Saint Germain’s fingerprints all over it. I suggest looking into primary sources such as Helena Blavatsky, Guy Ballard, Annie Besant, Manly P. Hall, Charles W. Leadbeater, etc for more information on the modus operandi of this character. Saint Germain is known to some occult groups as the teacher of “the Aquarian age”, or the Golden Age. The founding principles and very existence of the US are also allegedly attributed to him.

Francis Bacon is another key figure to research. He wrote The New Atlantis, which was about founding America. Occultist Manly P. Hall’s book “The Secret Destiny of America” details Bacon and his secret society of Unknown Philosophers.

According to Hall, “The Alchemists, Cabalists, Mystics, and Rosicrucians were the incisive instruments of Bacon’s plan. Representatives of these groups migrated to the colonies at an early date and set up their organization in suitable places.” (pg 33-34)

America was ground zero for the rebirth of the mysteries and what we are taught in school about the founding of America as a Christian nation is not accurate. 

If you realize you have been mistakenly rooting for the ‘light’ side, I invite you to come to God’s side. Come out of the world. Sometimes being a good Christian means being a bad ‘patriot’. 

I encourage you to research the origins of America, such as the origins of the constitution (from Anderson’s Constitution), some of the Founding Fathers’ belief systems (Diesim) and their membership in occultist societies. I recommend starting with Freemason and Occultist Manly P. Hall’s book ‘The Secret Destiny of America’.

Basically, Elizabeth Clare Prophet sums up her speech by reminding the listeners that Saint Germain’s age is identified as the time of “self-governance by the inner light within.” This occult light is discussed momentarily. It is not the Holy Spirit nor is it Jesus. There are many examples, but Elizabeth Clare Prophet was chosen because the America First movement is a continuation of the Mysteries. General Flynn aligned the entire America First / Q movement with the ideology of Saint Germain when he recited Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s channeled message from 1984. (Speech found at 1:32:07-1:33:23 of An Inconvenient Reality)

Why does it matter what the occultists believe? Because they are the ones behind this reset. Expect their symbolism. They are masters of twisting things to appear good on the surface but have very deceptive esoteric cores. It’s easy to confuse the synthesis or solution of this dialectic with a movement of God if you’re unfamiliar with the territory it is coming from. That is why I believe it's so important to know their blueprint so you don’t fall for their trap. Or, realize you’re in it, and get out.

The Great Awakening IS The Inversion. When I say from dark to light, esoterically that means from ignorance to enlightenment (hidden knowledge). That knowledge is as simple as what Q gave to the anons and taught them how to “dig” for information. The Q followers have ‘hidden knowledge’ the masses are unaware of. The anons are trying to spread the ‘light’ to anyone who will listen. More and more people are waking up or going from ignorance to a form of ‘enlightenment’. The problem is, it's political enlightenment. Many are waiting for a political solution, there isn’t one. Dialectics are not accomplished by the people, but through the people; to paraphrase Manly P Hall’s Secret Destiny of America.

The Inversion is a process, not a single event. It is a spectrum, from ignorance to ‘enlightenment’; from dark to light. Do you see how this pole has nothing to do with God? It is just varying degrees of Luciferianism. Occultist Carl Jung expresses this concept in the symbol of the dragon eating its own tail, “The ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow.” 

You can't have a golden age without gold. If we look at the mystics who follow the lore of Saint Germain as well as other occultists of the time, allegedly in 1729, Saint Germain was busy working on establishing and funding a ‘World Trust’. The Saint Germain World Trust is believed to contain the majority of the wealth backed by gold and precious stones that is said to be distributed to the world once the new financial reset takes effect. Saint Germain’s World Trust prosperity program is also known as the outdated NESARA and GESARA or now as the Quantum Financial Reset.

On October 23rd of 2019, Ivanka Trump tweeted this:
It’s official! The US has achieved quantum supremacy!  In a collaboration between the Trump Admin, @Google and UC Santa Barbara, quantum computer Sycamore has completed a calculation in 3 min 20 sec that would take about 10,000 years for a classical comp. #QIS is a critical industry of the future. That’s why @POTUS signed the National Quantum Initiative Act into law, supporting robust quantum R&D. We’re proud to have contributed to this major milestone, ushering in the next gen of quantum tech in the USA!”

The Saint Germain World Trust’s wealth and additional money are said to be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels.

NESARA depends on ending the Federal Reserve that currently controls the world’s monetary system. The Great Awakening also depends on the same thing. 


The New Age sources agree on the primary points of NESARA:

1. NESARA forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities 

2. Abolishes income tax

3. Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate, non-essential “new items only” sales tax revenue for government

4. Increases benefits to senior citizens

5. Returns Constitutional Law.

6. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement

7. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities or special interest groups

8. Creates new US Treasury currency, “rainbow currency,” backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals

9. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

10. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System

11. Restores financial privacy

12. Re-trains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law

13. Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide

14. Establishes peace throughout the world

15. Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades.

16. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes

17. Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices

Point number 10 implies ending the FED. How will that be accomplished? Allegedly with gold. Q Drop #2619 from 2018 asked the question, “Do we have the gold?” Q responds with ‘Yes. Gold shall destroy the FED.”

Point #3 abolishes the IRS - Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr. tweeted on April 18th about abolishing the IRS.

A note on #8 There is a cryptocurrency that launched in 2017 called Rainbow Currency, but it’s not the Treasury’s currency and is most likely called that to purposely confuse people who want to get a jump start on their new NESARA money. This cryptocurrency is not the fulfillment of the requirement. 


In summary, this event will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished and a new flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the revenue stream for national governments.

In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system. Elections will be safeguarded.

It’s an inversion of every current system of control.This has never happened before, most of the world used gold at one point or another, but this is not just going back to gold, this is an entire new currency system used worldwide. and that's what makes this theory so enticingto many, but in my opinion, dangerous.

What The Bible Says About Riches

The Bible speaks about the struggle between spiritual duties and material or worldly desires. 

While the world may be getting excited about these changes, followers of Jesus Christ are not to be conformed to the world, or wanting the same things the world wants. 

The Bible talks a great deal about not becoming dependent or attached to money and material possessions, because you can’t take it with you. Instead, we should focus on the Kingdom of Heaven and not on this earthly existence. The Bible tells us that your basic needs are enough, once you’ve got that security, you’ve got enough.

Storing large amounts of wealth, like billionaires and stock market traders, social media influencers, or the powerful people in the Tier of Greed that was discussed in The Art of Deception, is working to acquire wealth at the expense of others. That's your purpose, you want to make more money than you could ever need. This type of wealth gives you power over other people, and gives you anything you want. When money provides, what do you need God for? At that point, you’re like your own god. Who do you lean on? No one, because you can buy whatever or whoever you want.

Hebrews 13:5 (ESV) says, Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Jesus warned about the love of money many times and advised people to leave their money and follow Him. You either seek obtaining wealth, or you seek Jesus. Luke 18:20-22 (ESV) A rich ruler asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life and Jesus replied, “You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’” And he said, “All these I have kept from my youth.” When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”


Jesus shows with this example that earthly riches mean nothing to Him. He saw this man had excess wealth that he was clinging to. Jesus heard the man’s response that He followed all of God’s commandments but answered that he was lacking one thing, faith in Him. The man had faith in his money, and Jesus saw through that. Just because you do and say all the right things doesn’t mean your heart is in it.

The reason for this is because money is a heart issue. It is also one of the most likely causes for someone to fall away from Him or never even seek Him to begin with.

In chapter 3 in the book of Revelation Jesus addresses the many different churches which can represent different types of believers in Him. To the church of Laodicea He says in verse 15,  “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.” (Rev 3:15-18 ESV)


These folks walk both sides of the fence, they’re neither hot or cold, but they like to brag about what they have. Jesus says they need Him to be rich and they are made rich with the trials they face and learn to lean on Him not on the world.

One of the indications of where our heart is with God is our attitude towards  and about money. 

Matthew 6:24 (ESV): “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Note the older translations say Mammon, who is a demon over greed and money) 

We will either follow after gold or God, we will go after one or the other. 

You cannot have both, that makes you lukewarm.

 I encourage you to pray about these verses, read them yourself, seek God’s guidance, and come to your own conclusions. 

Debt Forgiveness

It is unknown if individuals will have a say-so in the debt forgiveness initiative. If there is no place to owe the debt, if the banks are gone, the debt is gone. That’s no one’s choice nor is it a reflection on you. That being said, don’t purposefully rack up debt cause it might be paid off. 

Scripture doesn’t view debt in a positive way. The Bible warns that the borrower will be a servant to the lender. If someone comes to you and needs to borrow, you should lend to them, but they should pay you back. It’s just about doing what's right. Remember this isn’t about giving, this is borrowing. When you give, you do not expect anything in return. 

God sees true riches as being in the Kingdom of Heaven, not on earth. He is discussing the excess and love of money. Everyone has to live in a world that is designed to drain us of all funds at every turn. Think about how the system is set up against you, you can barely go through school, buy a house, etc without going into debt. This whole world is set up to put us in debt. It’s set up to make us worship money. 

Where you put your effort, is where your heart is. What you care about most is what you act on.

The Bible shows us how to use money in a way that honors God and this usually centers around giving away a portion of what we have to those in need. It’s a message of giving and fairness, not materialism and self aggrandizement.

(Video) The Dark World of Megachurches - James Jani

Riches are a stumbling block that God warns us of multiple times. Warnings about the love of money are found throughout the Bible from the old to the new testament. We have to take His warnings seriously. We can’t think we’re the exception, He knows what's best for His children and we should listen to Him. 

The Quantum financial reset claims there will be a one-time debt jubilee, or canceling of debt. By calling it this, they are acting like God, like a savior coming to forgive your debts and give you a new start, like the jubilees in the Bible.

Debt forgiveness in general matches the Biblical definition of a Jubilee as described in Leviticus chapters 25 and 26. Every 7 years, all debts were canceled. After 49 years of jubilees, the 50th year was the year all debts were cancelled, all slaves were set free and land was returned to its rightful owner. This is a physical Jubilee. Jesus is our spiritual jubilee. As a matter of fact, His first teaching was specifically a jubilee verse from Isaiah 61:1-2. 

Luke 4:16-19 says, “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.”

The acceptable year of the lord is a jubilee year.

Jesus fulfilled this prophecy from Isaiah with his death and resurrection. 

The only way for us to be saved is through faith in Jesus. He paid our debt for sin when He overcame the grave to give us the gift of eternal life. He set us free, He is our spiritual jubilee.

The adversary has always wanted to be God, so by giving us a one-time worldwide physical debt forgiveness, he wants the world to spiritually worship him. 

The love of money is the root of all evil. This reset appeals to the very human weakness in all of us, the love of money and what it buys us. Jesus warns us of this heart issue and that it is a true weakness we all possess. Of course the adversary is going to appeal to us in this area.

One of the most powerful examples of this in the Bible is that of King Solomon.

The Example of Solomon

Churches often focus on the first part of Solomon’s reign, but rarely on his time when he disobeyed God, multiplied his wealth, and married women from other tribes who turned his heart away from God. That’s why it’s important to read the Bible yourself and get the whole picture. Solomon married over 700 women, had over 300 concubines (of tribes God told him not to marry in 1 Kings 11:1-2) and built temples of worship to their pagan gods for sacrifice. He also worshiped other gods (1 Kings 11:5-7) despite God appearing to Solomon twice (1 Kings 11:9). So, Solomon was wise, until sin got the better of him. His story teaches the destructive power of sin and how hopeless we are to have victory over it without God. Sin separates us from Him (Isaiah 59:2) and repentance is the best way to make sure we don’t get overwhelmed with sin and able to be led astray.

The irony is that Solomon’s downfall was entirely preventable. God gifted him wisdom, yet he consistently chose to ignore wisdom in his own life and radically compromised himself. It’s hard to know what exactly he believed when he died. Some say Ecclesiastes 12:13 indicates he may have realized the error of his ways and his sin. 

Regardless of what Solomon believed in his last days, the issue is sin and how it separates one from God.

Solomon’s life is a cautionary tale - you can lose everything when you let sin take over, because of a divided heart, by going after the things of this world and not fully after God. 

An excess of money is a tool used for corruption.

In contrast, I’m reminded of the story of Job. Job had everything ripped away from him as a test from the enemy to see if he would lose his faith in God. He lost everything, but the enemy couldn’t take the one thing Job couldn’t live without - God. He was Job’s everything, he lost it all and did not lose his faith. Job’s circumstances didn’t change his heart because God gave him his purpose, not the things of this world. Job’s circumstances didn’t change who God is.

Solomon’s story is the story of a man rich enough to do and have everything, and it still wasn’t enough. God wasn’t enough. 

God is not the God of the material world and His kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36) He wants us to fully focus on and go after Him instead of coveting what others have and focusing on gaining material possessions.

1 John 2:15 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world”. I highly encourage you to read this entire passage. Take some time to reflect on these verses and assess where your heart is.

The Mark of The Beast

(It’s Gonna Be Biblical)

One of the biggest warnings regarding financial circumstances is found in the Book of Revelation, what is often referred to as the mark of the beast. This is a topic we’ve discussed before on my channel, but let’s look at how the Bible describes it in Revelation 13:16-18, also, please read chapter 13 yourself. 

“And he (the ‘he’ referred to here is the second beast/the beast of the earth,) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Please see my video The Antichrist Investigation for the origins of ‘the antichrist’ being a man. 

No man might buy or sell without one of these things - the mark, the name or the number.

This is the only indication it has anything to do with money. The Bible tells us exactly what the placement of the hand or forehead means. 

In Exodus 13:9 (KJV), When God is explaining the Feast of Unleavened bread, or Passover He says:
“And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the Lord's law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the Lord brought thee out of Egypt.” 
Deuteronomy 6:6-8 says  “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

Then Deuteronomy 11:18 says, “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.”

In each case, God is telling us to keep his words and commandments bound as a sign on our hand and that they will be as frontlets between our eyes, or our forehead. Keeping His word as a sign can demonstrate our allegiance to Him. Keeping our hearts devoted to Him and not divided amongst the things of this world. 

The placement of forehead and hand is discussed in my video What is The Mark of The Beast?

Revelation 13 verse 18 concludes with,

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” 

There are only 2 other places the number 666 is found in the Bible regarding money: 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13, both of which are referring to Solomon and his wealth.

1 Kings 10:14 (KJV) Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. This is repeated verbatim in 2 Chronicles 9:13.

In the context of 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chonicles 9:13, 666 refers to gold and to an incredible amount of wealth. Remember God gave Solomon what he needed, and one of the vices that drove him away from God was his love of money.

The clues we’re given seem to remind us of the example of Solomon’s life. Isn’t it interesting that the Great Awakening’s Quantum Financial Reset is backed by gold and the New Age explains the QFS as “No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organization anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it.”

Mysticisms’ False ‘Light’

Saint Germain is honored by countless esoteric groups, it's from these light-sided groups that the reset is coming. That's why we see the same ideology and symbolism over and over such as The Age of Enlightenment which is also called the Age of Aquarius. 

Q drop #144 from November of 2017 talked of a New Age of Enlightenment.

The Mysteries claim Saint Germain is the teacher, as in leader, of the Aquarian Age, which they call the Golden Age. The Mysteries don’t believe in an extrinsic leader or figure, the Mysteries are intrinsic.

The Golden Age is the long-held goal of the occultists at the highest level. It is the solution to their grandest and longest-running dialectic - turning the lead of the dark world order to the gold of the Age of Aquarius. It’s the goal of the Inversion. It’s ‘the light’.

This idea is also encapsulated in the esoteric symbolism of the Philosopher’s Stone. For example, Alchemy, which is a foundational belief of the Mysteries, was a means to transform the human soul from its base (lead) state to its Enlightened and eternal state (gold). In other words, dark (lead) to light (gold). This can be taken literally, or metaphorically as in taking a base material, subjecting it to a series of events or operations which will turn it into the Philosopher's Stone or gold. It can apply to what occultists such as Masons, Rosecrucians, Kabbalists, and mystics of all sorts refer to as refining one's ‘lower self’ to attain their ‘higher self’. Gaining the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ is synonymous with eternal life. Therefore, they don’t need Jesus to become eternal. They believe they can do it themselves.

This is contrary to the message of Jesus who said, ‘I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich,’ in Revelation 3:18. 

Jesus refines the ones who follow Him, as one refines gold, in the fire. That means that your life will have trials and you will be tested. God refines you through these trials so your identity is found in Christ, and who He is and who He says you are, not in a political movement, not in you refining yourself through the teachings of the mysteries, or what others think you are or even what you think of yourself. I encourage you to read Zech 13:9, Jeremiah 9:7, and Isaiah 48:10 for more about being tried by fire.

Jesus offers us the gift of eternal life. John 3:16 (esv) says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

The Mysteries are deceptive ways of circumnavigating the truth and power of Jesus Christ and instead, giving that power to you the people. Notice the ‘light sides’ debt forgiveness, quantum financial reset and golden age are focused on humanity, on betterment for the world, it's not satanic looking rituals of death and darkness, or the scary tone of things like the dark’s Great Reset. It’s packaged to look helpful and good, just like how the Mysteries have infiltrated every aspect of our world to deceive those who don’t realize its part of the mystery schools.

For example, The Emerald Tablet proclaims the secret of Hermes, that LIGHT IS THE KEY for this transmutation (as in lead to gold). 

This is not the Light of God. 

An excerpt from The Tablet also says, “Hark ye, O man, and know of thy bondage, know how to free thyself from the toils. Out of the darkness shall ye rise upward, one with the Light and one with the stars.”

Encapsulated in this short excerpt are the motifs of dark to light, and the command ‘free thyself’. In this ase, the self is what sets you free, the salvation plan of the Mysteries is to be one’s own savior.

Hermes taught that humans are beings of Light and that that light was their source and refuge. So the self is God. This is still true in Masonry, Rosicrucianism, Sufism, Sant Mat, Tibetan Buddhism, Kabbalism, Magick, and a host of other mystic paths. Anything that is not Jesus Christ and promises a path to enlightenment or spiritual ascension is Luciferian. Check out the MINDGAME series for more info.

The foundation of Hermeticism can be seen in Genesis 3:5 where the serpent whispered to Eve, “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5 KJV)

The mystery teachings and the teachings of Jesus are mutually exclusive. They cannot coexist. The ‘light’ of the mysteries is the ‘light’ of Lucifer.

The ultimate magnum opus of the occultists in power is the worldwide Inversion from dark to light. 

Magnus Opus comes from Latin, which literally means great work or greatest achievement. In alchemy this is called The Rebis (from the Latin res bina, meaning dual or double matter) and is the end product of the alchemical magnum opus, turning lead to gold.

After one has gone through the phases of rotting and cleansing, sorting out opposing abilities, those abilities are united once more in what is from time to time labeled as the holy hermaphrodite (union of opposites). 

In Hermeticism the magnum opus represents the culmination of the spiritual path, the attainment of enlightenment, or the rescue of the human soul from the unconscious forces which bind it.

Jesus will never be united with Lucifer. Therefore, the ‘light’ these occultists speak of will never be Jesus. That’s why the pole of dark to light is Luciferianism varying only in degree.

The Mysteries do not believe in the Christian God. They were influenced by the mystical Jewish Kabbalah, freemasons, Egyptian Hermeticism, alchemy, and more. The ‘god’ of these philosophies is the self. 

Works like The Emerald Tablet and The Triangle Book are attributed to Saint Germain. He is not some psychedelic picture on a new age website. It is from this character that the written teachings which form the foundation of modern occultism came. The contents of Saint Germain’s triangle book as well as the Emerald Tablet are: Alchemy, Kabbalism and Hermeticism. These are the foundation of all occultism. This is what the powers-that-be believe in. This is the foundation of Mystery Babylon. 

A book written by Mystic Martin Hinde outlines the mythos of the light-side in his book ‘A History of Western Spirituality and the Corruption of Eden’ which discusses this ‘battle’ of dark to light and then the “plan to save the earth” with NESARA/GESARA, Saint Germain's World Trust (SGWT), etc. - it's a redemption of the world without Jesus, the Judge and the Savior. 

Jesus is mentioned in this book, but as being the Sumerian god Enlil, the brother of Enki, who just happens to be Saint Germain. Enki is the ‘god’ of water. Saint Germain is the ‘god’ of the Aquarian age. Coincidence? I think not. 

Dawn of the Danger Zone

If you look at primary sources of various occultists, the belief of returning to a golden age is evident. Whether it be in the form of a quantum financial reset or some other implementation of this ancient occult plan, the allure of money and its consequences are well laid out in the Bible. It is important to remember that for whatever comes. 

Returning to a golden age requires the changing of every current institution, medical, financial, governmental, transportation, etc. This can happen very quickly. If you’re wondering how some of the highest levels will switch from dark to light, remember that there are ‘light’ sided people and family lines within every level of the pyramid of power with more light toward the top and more dark towards the bottom. 

How is that you say? Because the masses are not acquainted with the surnames of the people with the most power. If you know their faces, they’re not that powerful or influential. Anonymity goes a long way. 

It’s similar to a chess game, and there are just as many if not more light pieces than dark ones. (More info in the PROGRAMMED series.)

The building of systems is done by the same programmers who program both dark and light alters within a system. (A system is a term used to refer to a person who is the subject of total mind control that consists of alters, programming, internal computers, and numerous dissociative states which function together as a system.)

Should we soon see a Quantum financial reset, a one time debt jubilee, remember this is not a gift. Gifts like this do not come without strings. 

To be clear, the dark-side, the Globalists, have what they call the ‘Great Reset’. This is not the mark in the book of Revelation. The mark is given by the second beast, the one that looks like the lamb but speaks like the dragon, in other words, it looks like the answer to all our problems at face value, but the truth is, it’s a trap. It’s meant to try to deceive believers. 

More information on the two beasts of Revelation please watch my video The Antichrist investigation.

We have a great example of how we should look at this ‘gift’ in Matthew 4:8-10. Jesus was tempted by the devil with the option to have all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship.

He (the devil) said, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.” 

Isn’t it fascinating the adversary seems to have the authority to offer all the kingdoms and the things in them to Jesus?

If we’re presented with the same proposition, gaining the world but losing our souls, we should answer just like Jesus did:  

“Be gone, Satan! For it is written,

“‘You shall worship the Lord your God

    and him only shall you serve.”

Spiritually Prepare

How do we prepare? I am more interested in preparing spiritually than physically. 

This can all sound scary but the return of Jesus should call for celebration, not fear. And if that's getting closer, it's a great time to start taking life more seriously, as in, turning your eyes away from this world and focus them more and more on God. When we’re afraid, we’re powerless. And we really can’t do anything about the things we’re afraid of like, death, illness, etc but we can control how we respond to fear. 

Psalm 56:3-4 (esv): “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”

God gives us peace and that is not predicated on the world, therefore the world cannot take it away. One of the best ways to deal with fear is to go before God and give all your fears to Him. He is our heavenly Father and He cares about you, so tell Him what is making you so afraid and anxious and pray for Him to give you the courage to persevere.

No one can be sure what to do, because we’ve never been through this. So I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and do what is right for you in your life. Jesus knows how easy it is to be swayed by the things of the world. So if we get faced with this colossal change, let it be your trial. You need to be aware of all possibilities so you don’t get lured into a trap.

If this topic is scary, it might be because you’re experiencing grief. Many people are grieving right now, the loss of loved ones due to CV-19, the loss of employment, the loss of the old, normal way of life, etc. Grief is different for every person, and the seven stages of grief include:

  • Shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings. (This isn’t happening, it's not real, etc)

  • Pain and guilt. The loss and uncertainty may feel unbearable and has only made life harder.

  • Anger and bargaining. Bargaining comes in when you begin to look at the upside. 

  • Depression. The period of isolation and loneliness during when you process and reflect on the loss.

  • The upward turn. At this point, the stages of grief like anger and pain have died down, and you’re left in a more calm and relaxed state.

  • Reconstruction and working through. You can begin to put pieces of your life back together and decide how to move forward.

  • Acceptance and hope. This is a very gradual acceptance of the new way of life and a new outlook.

Not everyone will experience all these stages, and you may not go through them in this order. But acknowledge your feelings to help work through them.

The current system is going down, at some level we all understand that. Have courage to face the fact that things aren’t ever going to be the way they used to be, the financial system is changing and the Inversion has begun, which means, the balance of power is shifting and every current system is imploding from the inside out in a controlled demolition. It’s only a matter of time before the ‘dark’ shifts to ‘light’ and we’re presented with new challenges like the Quantum financial reset and all it entails. You have to prepare for the unknown and have the determination to even want to resist this new system.

The importance of adaptability in fluid circumstances cannot be understated. We must adapt accordingly to whatever is thrown our way. Be prepared for what we cannot prepare for. This mostly comes with losing the spirit of fear. God will provide and protect, but we may not be comfy.

Example: The internet goes down - don’t freak out. It’s just another event in this dialectic we’ve been stuck in. Another lockdown happens. We can get through it. Anything can happen, but that doesn't mean it will. The best thing to do is be mentally ready for change, that way you won't be caught off guard. If you’re always ‘expecting it’, you can roll with the punches easier than being fearful and caught off-guard. There will always be another surprise around the corner.

What's the Best Way to Protect Your Savings?

I am not qualified to give financial advice. Every single person’s situation is unique and you need to spend some time doing your research and decide what’s best for you.

Some say precious metals, land, arms/ammunition while others say to invest in crypto. Most of crypto, including Bitcoin, can still be confiscated to a degree as Trudeau proved in Canada. It’s also still the old system therefore it won't be the same after the inversion, nor do I believe in accepting any crypto or currency of any kind after the inversion is complete. 

Digital currencies are coming. The ‘dark side’ will likely have a few versions of it first, which is not the one I’m worried about. That's not what we’re talking about today. We’re talking about the ‘light-side’s’ Quantum financial system which will probably come a while after the ‘dark-sides’ attempts at digital currencies.

For example: a Central Bank Digital Currency is being proposed, coupled with the banning or restriction of buying cryptocurrency in the West, and remember, this is the dark-side’s currency. Central bank = dark-side. 

The Quantum Financial Reset (light-side) gets rid of the central banks and it is a worldwide system. Do not confuse the two. If and when the dark rolls out some crypto it will be just another news story. The Quantum Financial Reset will be a moment like that of the morning of 9/11/01. It will be the biggest thing we have ever lived through. No one will be able to mistake the impact of the light-sides goal of a one world currency.

As we are seeing, governments are creating their own digital currencies. They will be able to limit usage of these digital assets against anybody who does not fall in line with the system's orders. (ex: social credit system in China)


Crypto is only as good as the market that accepts it.


Under the ‘dark-side’s’ digital currencies, it’s still the same corrupt system setting the rules - it’s just more corrupt banking. Nothing has changed from the top down to ‘invert’ this power pyramid - that's how you can be sure it has nothing to do with the ‘light-side’ Quantum reset/ debt forgiveness/ prosperity funds/ etc.

Having cash on hand might be useful, as I would assume most places will probably still take it for a while. Having it all in banks is probably not the safest option.

It’s never a bad idea to forge relationships with local farmers and shop producer-only (not-resale) Farmer’s Markets. It’s good to take steps to be less dependent on the mainstream systems. Food plants are being targeted with fires and outages to create shortages or supply chain disruption. In case there is a food shortage, have a back-up plan.

My theory is that cash and the new currency will run alongside this new system for some time - it won’t change overnight - it’s a process, I still feel like everyone will have some sort of choice to accept this new form of gold-backed currency by some specified date. 

Remember how some specific individuals had the option to wait on getting vaccinated, but  jumped on getting it due to fear? It was unnecessary. Think of this the same way. Do not make any decisions quickly. Wait until we have more information. And pray, get some guidance from God instead of the internet and television.

So many times the Bible tells us to be set apart, to be different from the world. When the entire world is doing something, this should make you step back and really evaluate the situation.

If you will have the option to wait on accepting this new system, the test becomes, are you willing to go against what the world is telling you to do? Will you be righteous like Noah and be willing to obey God no matter what? No matter how much pressure you face from the world?

And lastly, we need to rely on God and take care of each other when this goes down and help out those who have less than we do.

If you believe this will be the event spoken of in chapter 13 of Revelation, then you must also believe that Jesus returns right afterwards as it is the last prophecy in the Book of Revelation before The Harvest, or His return.


This money will not be from God. If we’re faced with a whole new system, it will not be from God. Its origins are Luciferian. How can the New Age and those who love Jesus agree? (1 Timothy 6:6-10)

The lesser of two evils is still, indeed, evil. Just because something looks good does not mean it’s from God; does not mean it’s holy. 

Some will ask; “well how can this light side be bad? They’re going to make things better.” The answers are simple: its roots and its purpose. The roots of the light side originate from the mystery schools - the ancient occult teachings of the fallen angels. No part of this ‘light’ side is anything but Luciferian. 

Its purpose: it is meant to show up as a wolf in sheep's clothing. You’re meant to want to trust it, but you have been battered and kept down by the dark in order to accept any positive change that’s presented. Problem (the dark), the reaction (oppression and overreach), solution (the light side/inversion).

The biggest clue here is that the Bible tells us to watch out for false prophets, and the ‘light’ side is the biggest false prophet there is. 

If you’re on the fence I encourage you to pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to make it clear. Have courage to look for the truth and not accept easy or comfortable answers. 

I discuss the dangers of this false light often on my channel.

This money isn’t going to save you. It’s not for retribution, redemption, justice, or freedom. The entire world being on the same brand new system of currency at the same time, has never happened before nor will it happen again. The current systems (financial, legal, voting, pharmaceutical, etc) were set up and run by the dark side. The shift to the Quantum System does away with all of the dark’s systems - it’s the polar opposite, it’s the Inversion. 

Don’t think it will take a long time to build up new ‘light side’ systems for these institutions, they're already here. The Inversion was not begun without having everything ready to take its place. It’s a demolition, a clean up, a rebuild. We’re beginning the transition and every step of the way is accounted for.

Who do you think set up the two systems of dark and light to begin with? Lucifer does not divide his own kingdom. Both sides are used as a tactic to divide and conquer humanity! By controlling both sides of the conflict, he achieves the desired goal.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into (or disguises himself as) an angel of light”.

The point of showing you all of this is because Jesus defeats all of these beliefs. He is the key to immortality, not ‘the philosopher’s stone’, He is the giver of all knowledge and wisdom, not the ‘Light’, He is God, not us, not the universe, He is the Creator of heaven and earth. He alone is worthy of praise. No one and nothing else. You cannot work your way into enlightenment or eternity. You cannot do it on your own as the occultists believe. When you boil them down to the bone you'll find Luciferianism. 

So we sit back and observe what's going on as more events continue to happen, knowing this is all part of The Inversion. It will continue to happen because at the highest levels, it's exactly what they’ve planned to have happen. They want their Golden Age. Don’t cheer on the ‘Light’. Don’t be a part of this dualistic game. I am not a part of either side, because neither is on my side. I’m on God’s side. God is not a part of this dualistic system of dark and false light. You must make the choice now. You either follow God, or you follow the things of the world. 

Just as you can’t worship God and money, you can’t worship God and the ‘Light’. 

Because if you give credence to the ‘Light’ side and believe it to be ‘good’, as in from God, including political solutions (there are none), you must admit you believe God to be the same ‘Light’ of the mystics (Kabbalists, Masons, Rosicrucians, Alchemists, Theosophist, etc) which means you believe God has darkness, or evil within Him, in the words of Helena Blavatsky, ‘the devil is God upside down’ (on an axis of dark to light).

In conclusion, money becomes an idol and you cannot serve two masters. God’s blessings are not usually worldly things. He has already blessed us with the opportunity for eternal life, which is way more than any of us deserve.

Jesus isn’t one of the many solutions, as in, a part of a solution or here to ‘help’ humanity out here and there. He is the ONLY solution. Faith in Jesus, and total trust in God is the way out of this deception. 

That trust is essential, not optional. 

Obviously none of what we talked about today is here yet, but all indications are pointing in that direction. How it will look is anyone’s guess. I hope this video gave you a lot to think about, look into, and pray over regarding the future and our attitude towards this world and its material things. 

Matthew 6:19-21

Watch the video of this blog post here

Thank you for reading



Inversion Update (6/24-7/7/22)


Destabilizing the Petrodollar (3/21/22)