Destabilizing the Petrodollar (3/21/22)

*I do not participate in politics. I do not endorse any source. They are used for information purposes only. This is a battle of ‘dark’ vs ‘light’. These two sides are explained in detail in my video ‘An Inconvenient Reality’, which explains why Christians should not be a part of either side.

This update should be viewed in context with my channel as a whole.

Please look into any of the topics discussed and come to your own conclusions.

All information is linked within the body of the document. I encourage you to watch any video or take the time to read the links provided. 


This blog post will focus on:

  • Fiat currency uncertainty and world-wide financial repercussions that may result from the conflict

  • The collapsing NWO

  • The validity of Hunter Biden’s laptop

  • The situation between Russia and Ukraine 

  • List of names to remember

  • The biolab saga

Fiat Currency Uncertainty

On March 1, just a few days after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine started, the Council on Foreign Relations sanctioned Russia, saying: 

“The United States has implemented a series of sanctions in coordination with allies to isolate Russia from the global financial system and weaken its military edge. These sanctions add to the bevy of those Washington hit Russia with following its annexation of Crimea in 2014. The most significant to date are the unprecedented penalties on Russia’s central bank. The United States has effectively frozen the bank’s U.S. assets—preventing it from using its foreign reserves to prop up the value of the Russian ruble—and blacklisted a major Russian sovereign wealth fund, further restricting Moscow’s access to money from abroad. The United States and its allies are also moving to boot several Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), a Belgium-based interbank messaging service. This would severely hamper those banks’ ability to move money around the world by forcing them to use slower forms of communication, such as email and fax.”


These sanctions were meant to stop Russia, but instead, Russia has implemented a different plan, a plan that includes dropping the U.S. Fiat currency used by the central banks of the world. Not only has Russia bypassed the current financial system, other countries are doing the same and joining Russia. This could lead to the fall of the U.S. Dollar as the worlds’ currency, and possibly the end of the Fed.

Here are some articles that will explain why the fall of the Fiat currency may happen. On March 12, 2022 an article titled, Fiat Currencies Are Going To "Fail Spectacularly" was posted to ZeroHedge.

From the article (underlining my own): 

Russia Invading Ukraine Has Caused A ‘Monetary Earthquake’

What just happened in the last two weeks is enormously important and misunderstood by many investors.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the corresponding Western sanctions and seizure of Russian FX reserves are nothing short of a monetary earthquake. The last comparable event was Nixon's abandonment of the gold standard in 1971. 

Russia, with the backing and support of China, just told the world that it is no longer going to sell its oil, gas and wheat for Western currencies which are programmed to debase. 

The West in its response just said to all countries around the world: “If you have foreign exchange reserves, held in our system, they are no longer safe if we disagree with your politics.” 

Gold Will Rip Higher Because Of What Russia Is Doing

The US Dollar has been the reserve currency of the world since WWII and the Bretton Woods agreement. This has given the US an enormous advantage and subsidy from the rest of the world because everyone else needs to produce goods and services to obtain dollars and the US can simply produce dollars at no cost by printing them.   

Putin is now cast in the role of Charles de Gaulle who complained about the "exorbitant privilege" of the US with its dollar hegemony. As we all know, de Gaulle demanded gold in exchange for France's US dollar FX surpluses and this outflow forced Nixon to close the gold window. Recall that post this event, gold went from $35 per ounce to $800 per ounce (23x).  Russia's move will lead to a similar move in favor of gold. Putin could see that the US fiscal and monetary situation was becoming untenable and he decided to use this to create an existential threat to the US and the world financial system

He undoubtedly knows that the West has artificially suppressed the price of gold and that is why he has been building his gold reserves steadily for the past 20 years.”  

Source: (scroll down until you see the headline: “Fiat Currencies Are Going To "Fail Spectacularly"):

And according to Reuters and USNews, 

“Russia will use Chinese yuan from its foreign exchange reserves after Western sanctions blocked Moscow's access to the U.S. dollars and euros in the reserves, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said on Monday.”


In summary, as a result of the sanctions, Russia has determined it will no longer be accepting U.S. Dollars for its goods and will begin trading in Chinese Yuan to bypass the U.S. Dollar.

Russia is the first country to decouple from the U.S. Dollar. This move could have drastic implications for the U.S. Fiat currency.

Saudi Arabia is also considering accepting the Chinese Yuan instead of U.S. Dollars for its oil sales.


Not only that, but “Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, Mohammed bin Salman, and his counterpart in the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Zayed, are yet to agree to a phone call with the west’s most powerful man – a scenario all but unthinkable during previous administrations.”

As of this moment, Saudi Arabia has no interest in having discussions with Joe Biden. 


Another country that is breaking free of the U.S. Dollar to pay for Russian goods is India. 

“India is working out a mechanism to facilitate trade with Russia using local currencies, with a decision expected as early as next week, according to people familiar with the matter. The government is discussing how trade can be settled in rubles and rupees as Indian exporters are awaiting payments of about $500 million that have been stuck after the sanctions on Russian banks, said the people, who asked not to be identified before a final decision is made. The central bank as well as commercial lenders including State Bank of India and UCO Bank Ltd. are being consulted, they said.”


By sanctioning Russia, the U.S. Dollar has been put in a dangerous position. Biden attempted to isolate Russia and punish their economy. However, Russia allied with China, India, and Saudi Arabia, which make up approximately 46% of the world’s population.

If more countries drop the dollar as the world’s currency, (the aforementioned as well as South Africa, Brazil, etc) that could signal the end of the current worldwide financial system. This financial implosion has been planned for a long time at the highest levels. The monetary system is the killswitch for the inversion. It was designed to be brought down.

Consider the calculated move on Nixon’s part in the 1970s by taking us off the gold standard. The goal of that move was to increase debt. The debt system has a life-span and without war it dies. The dark-side are trying to continue their debt system by trying to force a war with Russia (and many other reasons), but unlike previous years, it will not work out in their (the dark’s) favor. 

Putin, Xi, Modi (India) and Mohammed Bin Salman (Saudi Arabia) are all ‘light’ side players. They are forcing this implosion on the dark cabal because we are in The Inversion; from Dark to Light.

The destruction of the world's most powerful economy does not happen randomly, it happens methodically. 

I have discussed a new currency and the implications of such on my channel over the years. My entire channel is essentially focused on exposing this deception of dark and false light. I will write an article soon explaining the dangers of a new financial system. 

The Collapsing NWO

The world is siding with Ukraine because the corrupt media and politicians, who have financial interests there, are telling you to. 

The way this media control has been accomplished is by manipulating the masses’ emotions via media propaganda, which is the most powerful weapon used to sway the opinions of the uninformed.

Just like during Covid-19, American social media influencers have been briefed by the White House on the narrative to construct around what is going on in Ukraine. It’s propaganda.


For more information on techniques used to manipulate the general population, check out my PROGRAMMED series.

Biden signed bill H.R. 2471, “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022” on March 15, 2022. It is a massive omnibus Bill of $1.5 trillion which includes $13.6 billion in additional funding for Ukraine.


Russia has been the dark-side’s scapegoat for years (recall the Russia collusion hoax). Not only that, but Ukraine has long been the epicenter of the dark’s money laundering system as well as a human trafficking hub and biolab haven for the West, as discussed in the previous blog post.

In his plea to the U.S. Congress on March 16, 2022, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy said he wished Biden would be the ‘Leader of the World” and asked for the United States to provide a ‘no fly zone’ over Ukraine. That means that he wants U.S. Fighters to shoot down Russian military planes. He essentially asked for a full-fledged war against Russia. Thankfully, neither the U.S. or NATO will agree to a ‘no fly’ zone.

The dark is being exposed, but it is also being protected by the corrupt media which is only siding with Ukraine. This is why it’s best to look at the situation from all angles and ask critical questions. Now is not the time to be passively consuming media. 

The ‘light-side’ reaction to this problem can be summed up with this paragraph from General Michael Flynn:

“Someone like Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine. And, you know, I’m probably the last person that’s going to be a Putin apologist, I won’t be, but what I do understand are the dynamics that are playing out in Ukraine right now… but all of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the world order as they want it as people like Dr. Harare, as people like Klaus Schwab and others. Bill Gates is another one. So we have to understand that these are people that are very smart, they’re very well resourced and they have a very sort of strategic idea of how they want to see the world develop and God and a soul are not part of that strategy.”

Source (Gen. Flynn starts around 12:44): 

Right on cue, a hit piece (dark’s narrative) about Gen. Flynn’s podcast was written to discredit him: 


What Flynn (light-side) said is that the dark sides’ world order has been shattered, and they are left trying to defend the bits that are left. As I have stated before, the dark-world order is what many refer to as a ‘new world order’. We have been living in the “new world order” since the days of Prescott Bush. We are moving from that world order into the ‘light’ world order and the dark side isn’t going down without a fight. Exoterically it appears that way anyway, but if you take a step back and look at it from a 40,000 ft view, you can see this is all an intricate dance. The two sides are working together, in a dialectical fashion. Like a scale, as the ‘dark’ side falls, the ‘light’ side rises. 

The ‘Laptop From Hell’


Tipping the scales further in the ‘light’s’ favor, Garret Ziegler, a staffer for Peter Navarro in the Trump administration, started a company called Marco Polo that has spent countless hours taking all of the emails and texts from Hunter Biden’s laptop and putting them into a PDF format for the world to see. The corruption and depravity are astounding, but the media protects him and his father by ignoring, suppressing, and blaming Russia for the laptop story. 


The news won't report on any of the stories that prove their side is in trouble. The dark-side is on defense, and they cannot put out fires fast enough to stop the spread of the truth of what they've done. They can only cause chaos to allow the media to construct a false narrative of a shared reality for the masses. 

About a week after Marco Polo posted the contents of Hunter’s laptop, on March 17, 2022, the New York Times confirmed the authenticity of the laptop and its contents due to an ongoing Federal Tax Investigation. 

They have been forced to admit the contents of the laptop are authentic. 


In October 2020, Jen Psaki, White House Spokesperson, called the contents of the Biden laptop “Russian disinfo”. Now, two years later, the dark side has confirmed the validity of the laptop. 


Here’s a link to a video on Garrett Ziegler’s Telegram highlighting Jen Psaki’s answer to a reporter’s question about Hunter’s laptop on March 17, 2022:


And here’s a video meme with Hunter blaming Russia for the laptop and saying it was ‘Russian Intelligence.’ 


This lie of shaping the Hunter laptop scandal as Russian disinformation was on full display  during the Presidential debates in 2020. President Trump asked about Hunter’s laptop and Biden blamed Russia.

Biden said “There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said what he’s [Trump’s] accusing me of is a Russian plant. 5 former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s [Trump's] saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it but him and his buddy Rudy Jolly [Rudy Guiliani].

Trump responds, “you mean the laptop is now another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax?”

Biden then responds “that's exactly what [I] was told.”

Source: Link to Presidential debate from GeorgeNews on Telegram

Notice Biden said that “50 former national intelligence folks…and 5 former heads of the CIA” said the laptop story was “garbage”.

On March 18, 2022, General Flynn posted the names of all the Intelligence officials (CIA and NSA) who said the laptop was Russian disinfo. He said, “Remember their names” and alleges these former “intelligence” officials “colluded to interfere in the 2020 election by signing a letter saying that Hunter’s laptop was a Russian plot.”

These are the names he listed:

  • James Clapper

  • Michael Hayden

  • Leon Panetta

  • John Brennan

  • Marc Polymeropoulos

  • John Sipher

  • John McLaughlin

  • Michael Morell

  • Doug Wise

  • Nick Rasmussen

  • Russ Travers

  • Andy Liepman

  • John Moseman

  • Larry Pfeifer

  • Jeremy Bash

  • Rodney Snyder

  • Glenn Gerstell

  • David Buckley

  • Nada Bakos

  • Patty Brandmaier

  • James Bruce

  • David Cariens

  • Paul Kolbe

  • Peter Corsell

  • Brett Davis

  • Thomas Finger

  • Roger Zane George

  • Steven Hall

  • Kent Harrington

  • Don Hepburn

  • Timothy Killbourn

  • Rick Legdett

  • Ron Marks

  • Jonna Hiestand Mendez

  • Emile Nakhleh

  • Gerald O’Shea

  • David Priess

  • Pam Purcilly

  • Chris Savos

  • Nick Shapiro

  • Stephen Slick

  • Cynthia Strand

  • Greg Tarbell

  • David Terry

  • Greg Treverton

  • John Tullius

  • David Vanell

  • Mike Vickers

  • Winston Wiley

  • Kristin Wood

He continued by saying; “Nine further “intelligence” officials colluded with those listed above but decided to remain anonymous…makes these latter nine even bigger snakes.”


According to Flynn, the CIA, Pentagon, the NSA and all other “intelligence” agencies in the United States are “rotted from the inside”.

Here is a 20-minute compilation video of the media in 2020 blaming Russia for Hunter’s laptop:

Over the weekend of March 12, 2022, Eric Trump gladly accepted an original painting of Donald Trump with a Q in the right-hand corner.

General Flynn was there too...

They have clearly and repeatedly aligned themselves with Q. This is the ‘hopium’ the anons need to continue to work to expose the dark side. Anons have become a news source for many because they don’t post conjecture, they source their information and archive links before they can be deleted by Big Tech. The Q operation was and continues to be run by the ‘light’ side.

Names To Remember

On March 15, 2022, Russia sanctioned Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Anthony Blinken (US Secretary of State), Lloyd James Austin (US Secretary of Defense),  General Mark Milley (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Jake Sullivan (National Security Advisor), Jen Psaki (White House Press Secretary), Hillary Clinton and several others. 

These people are no longer allowed to travel or do business in Russia. If they have any money or assets in Russia, they have also been frozen. Imagine, the sitting President of the United States is not allowed to travel to Russia. 


After the sanctions issued by Russia were made public, Donald Trump put out a statement telling everyone that he knew Biden was compromised by Russia back in 2020. During a debate, he tried to bring up the fact that Biden and his family had received 3.5M from the former Mayor of Moscow’s wife but was told he could not ask about that.

Read the full statement below: 

The fact that Trump said Biden “is compromised” is an indication that Russia has criminal charges against all of the people listed in the sanctions and that they may release that information for all to see. It’s possible that eventually, they could release it.

The Biolab Saga

On March 14, Senator Mitt Romney tweeted that former candidate for President, Tulsi Gabbard, was a “treasonous liar” for asking questions about biolabs in Ukraine. Her reply to him was to list the factual information that is publicly available about the biolabs in Ukraine and called for him to resign.

Her reply is linked here

On March 11, 2022, according to Reuters; “The World Health Organization (WHO) advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories to prevent "any potential spills" that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters.”

This article goes on to say that “Ukraine has public health laboratories researching how to mitigate the threats of dangerous diseases affecting both animals and humans including, most recently, COVID-19. Its labs have received support from the United States, the European Union and the WHO.”

They admit to having labs in Ukraine that are funded by the United States, the EU and the WHO, but stop short of saying they’re ‘biolabs’ and claim that Russia’s characterization of these labs as being dangerous is false. The UN added, “The United Nations is "not aware" of any biological weapons program in Ukraine, which joined an international ban on such arms, as has Russia and the United States along with 180 other countries.”

So the WHO, the ones who controlled the world-wide Covid Narrative for 2 years and the UN, who is known to be corrupt, are halfway admitting there are labs in Ukraine, but they’re used for research, not weapons. No, really, we should trust them…


All of this talk about biolabs being in Ukraine started with an anon, who now goes by the name BioClandestine, when he posted a long thread on Twitter on February 24th about his theory that Russia was only striking certain targets in Ukraine and those targets matched up with a map of the Ukrainian biolabs. 

His Twitter account was quickly suspended and he went to Telegram to continue his research on the biolabs. The picture above is the only one of the threads that was saved. His information was soon picked up by Tucker Carlson and broadcast on Fox News. After that, the dark’s damage control about the biolabs began.


Does this seem too convenient to be true? It probably is. Like most movements, much of the ‘light’ is not organic.

Much of the anon movement is organic, but some of it is not. The light-side has key individuals stationed to drop information, which the anons pick up and  give legs to and then it spreads like wildfire. The light-side likes to use the internet as a battlefield, as opposed to the airwaves.

The MSM is on defense because of someone on the internet who is able to construct the narrative before they get a chance to. The difference is the ‘light’ side uses verifiable or credible  information, rather than lies and emotional language. 

It is obviously part of the overall dialectic at work, the anon’s theory being picked up by Tucker Carlson, seeing as Carlson has had a long friendship with Hunter Biden, who helped his son get into a specifical school (via Hunter’s emails).

Russia has had information on the biolabs for years. On March 10, 2022, Russia requested a meeting with the UN Security Council to discuss their findings on biological labs in Ukraine. The meeting was granted for the next day. A Russian Federation representative said the Russians had hoped that countries would abide by the 1975 agreement to forgo any plans to develop biological weapons, but those hopes had not been fully fulfilled. He went on to say, “We convene the meeting today because as Russia is conducting a special military operation in Ukraine, we discovered a truly shocking fact of emergency clean-up by the Kyiv regime of the traces of military biological program which is being implemented by Kyiv with support of the United States ministry of defense. Our ministry of defense, the Russian ministry now has documents which confirm that in the territory of Ukraine, there was a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in which very dangerous biological experiments had been conducted and aimed at strengthening the pathologic qualities [gain of function] of the plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other lethal diseases using synthetic biology. This work is being done and funded and supervised by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the United States, including in the interest of the National Center for Medical Intelligence of the United States Ministry of Defense.”

He goes on to say that the information gathered in those labs was sent to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of infectious diseases in Walter Reed Medical Center, to the Naval Research Center as well as the U.S. Army Biological Laboratories in Ft. Dietrich “which used to be key facilities of the American program to develop biological weapons…The United States actively funded the biological projects in Ukraine.”

He then says that the goal was to study spreading particularly dangerous pathogens using migratory birds, bats, fleas and lice. “Similar studies using lice and fleas as agents were conducted in the 1940s by the infamous Unit 731 of the Japanese Army, whose members by the way, found refuge in the United States and escaped justice.”

Security Council on Russian Allegations:

Unit 731 was discussed in Epicenter of Chaos and the horrific experiments Shiro Ishii conducted. He was brought to Ft. Dietrich after WW2, along with the Nazis from Germany to continue their biological and psychological experiments in the United States. 

The “We The Media” account on Telegram took the original documents Russia posted of all of its evidence of US Biological Labs and translated them to English. 

(Open the Zip File linked below and click the lines in the bottom right-hand corner to click on “English Translation”) 

Source: :

An interesting thing to note: In 2005, when Obama was a Senator, he went to Ukraine with Senator Dick Lugar, where an agreement was signed to create biolabs to ‘counter the threat of bioterrorism’.

Regardless of what the public story is for the use of the biolabs, the names of these operations tend to do the opposite of what they claim to do. After all, Unit 731’s official name was the ‘Epidemic Prevention of Water Purification Department’.

Another example is the “Medical Research Volunteer Program”. From 1948 to 1975, the U.S. Army Chemical Corps conducted classified human subject research at the Edgewood Arsenal facility in Maryland. The purpose was to evaluate the impact of low-dose chemical warfare agents on military personnel and to test protective clothing, pharmaceuticals, and vaccines. A small portion of these studies were directed at psychochemical warfare and grouped under the prosaic title of the "Medical Research Volunteer Program'' (1956–1975).

The MRVP was also driven by intelligence requirements and the need for new and more effective interrogation techniques. Overall, about 7,000 soldiers took part in these experiments that involved exposures to more than 250 different chemicals, according to the Department of Defense (DoD).

Some of the volunteers exhibited symptoms at the time of exposure to these agents but long-term follow-up was not planned as part of the DoD studies.

The experiments were abruptly terminated by the Army in late 1975 amidst an atmosphere of scandal and recrimination as lawmakers accused researchers of questionable ethics. Many official government reports and civilian lawsuits followed in the wake of the controversy.

The chemical agents tested on volunteers included chemical warfare agents and other related agents (Anticholinesterase nerve agents like VX, sarin, nerve agent antidotes including atropine and scopolamine, etc).

History is a mirror into the future and the precedents are set for bio research going purposefully awry.

This blog was to chronicle the swiftly moving current events and situations we should be aware of regarding their potential impact on possible upcoming events. Even with all of the things going on at the moment, remember to stay focused on the big picture.

This is not our fight. We do not support the black or the white tile on the chessboard. For more information on the Inversion, as well as explanations of the ‘dark’ and ‘light’, watch An Inconvenient Reality

I will be back with another blog post as events warrant. 

Please check back occasionally.

Thank you for reading



The Root of All Evil (5/22)


Russia v Ukraine Update (3/4/22)