Inversion Update (6/24-7/7/22)

For those following The Inversion (information on what The Inversion is can be found here), or the shift from ‘dark to ‘light’’, here’s an interesting update since we have covered this topic on my channel many times:

6/24/22: Q has returned with the first post since 12/8/2020 stating “Shall we play a game once more?” 

Q posted a reply moments later saying “it had to be done this way”. 

The same day, Q then posts, “Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.”

The ‘oath’ was discussed in my video here.

6/25/22: Most were skeptical when Q reappeared, but Q has since confirmed authenticity through proving user ID with 8kun board owner. It’s the same Q account that posted from 10/28/17-12/8/20.

Reference: Q posts link

Q often features symbolism with numbers. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. The first Q post was October 28, 2017 and the most recent was June 24, 2022. The number of days between the two is 1700. The posts were spaced this way on purpose by those posting as Q.

Numerology, numerical codes, astrolatry or astrotheology figure heavily in the history of the ‘elite’ and their occult beliefs. 

6/24/22 was the date of a ‘rare sky event’ of 5 ‘planets’ aligning.


Other ‘Light' World Order’ Updates:

6/17/22: Vladimir Putin's St. Petersburg Speech 

On June 17, 2022 Putin gave a speech covering sanctions, inflation, war, currency, populism (the opposite of Globalism aka the dark world order), energy, grain, and the changing world order.

More here

on July 7, 2022 Putin reiterated these sentiments in his speech to the leaders of the State Duma and the heads of party factions in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

An interesting portion of his speech:

CERN Reboot

On July 5, 2022 The Large Hadron Collider at CERN began its third test run. The LHC rebooted after a 3 year hiatus due to maintenance.


Further information

2 days later this headline came out many who believe CERN is a nefarious entity had something to do with.

Guidestones are Gone 

On July 6, 2022 at 4:00am an explosion was detonated at the Georgia Guidestones. It was later demolished the same day. 

“For safety reasons, officials said the entire structure has been completely demolished.”


Anons (those who follow Q) have already begun forming connections. They point out July 6th is George Bush Jr's birthday and that it is a sign that the ‘dark-side’s’ timeline has collapsed. 

Small events eventually stack up and affect change.

The dark is falling. 

The “light” is rising. 

Many interpret the rubble of the guidestones as a symbol of defeat for the Dark World Order. 

The problem with anons saying ‘Babylon is literally falling’ is that the anons also believe in a wonderful, prosperous future after the ‘dark side’ has been eliminated, with Trump being the victor. the Bible, however, states no such thing. After Babylon falls (Revelation 19:11) Jesus Christ returns and God’s judgments are carried out on the wicked and godless.

Though the anons call the things we’ve witnessed (Roe v Wade overturned, Guidestones demolished, Devolution, Boris Johnson resignation, Hunter leaks, etc) ‘The Storm’, it is actually The Inversion: from dark to ‘light’; one of the most ancient esoteric axioms.

For more information on The Inversion, or the shift from Dark to ‘Light’, and why it’s not a ‘good thing’ or anything a Christian should be rooting for, watch my video An Inconvenient Reality and The Root of All Evil.

Recent resignations:

Boris Johnson - UK

Kaja Kallas - Estonia

Naftali Bennett - Israel

Mario Draghi - Italy

Gotabaya Rajapaksa - Sri Lanka


The Great Inversion


The Root of All Evil (5/22)