The Great Inversion

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*Author’s note: this author does not support either side of the agendas (‘dark’ or ‘light’). Neither side should be thought of in a positive light, both sides should be examined critically.

The Inversion represents the shift from the current world order to a newer world order, but not in the way most are conditioned to expect. It’s the inversion from ‘dark’ to ‘light’.

The topic of ‘the inversion’ has been discussed in depth on my YouTube channel and my website.

Let’s start by defining terms: 


  • The Great Reset (dark) vs The Great Awakening (light)


Globalists make up most of what falls into the ‘dark’ side. They are identified by their beliefs. For the sake of this article, anyone (in the public eye) who is against Globalist ideals, would be considered to be for ‘the light’ side agenda and all it entails; the opposite. 


Globalism and how the Inversion affects the financial system is discussed in the article: The Root of All Evil.


At the moment, it is ‘Globalism’ (centralization, mass censorship, the Great Reset, etc) vs ‘Nationalism’(decentralization, free-ish speech, The Great Awakening, sovereignty, etc).


  • Inversion: the word ‘inversion’ means the action of inverting something or the state of being inverted; a reversal. 


In some cases, inversion is the opposite - dark and light, hot and cold, etc. These opposites are poles of one another. Poles consist of two opposing ideas varying only in degree united by an axis. 


  • The ‘Other’: The ‘other’ is a force or a common threat that humanity has to unite against.


Let’s get started,


The world is undergoing the largest inversion it has ever experienced. Throughout history, many inversions have happened, but all were localized (Enlightenment era, various technological advances, etc). The current inversion encompasses the world as a whole, which is why this article is titled The ‘Great’ Inversion.

 The ‘Tier of Architects’ is discussed in my video, The Art of Deception. These ‘super elite’ believe that change in the world is facilitated by changes in the public's mental state. The metaphor of the Philosopher’s stone, or the mythological alchemical practice of turning lead to gold, is simply an analogy for transforming the mental state. This is referred to as Mental Transmutation. The ‘elite’ bring about their ‘mental transmutation’ on a mass scale using various practices and thought control. 

Mental transmutation then, is the process of transforming the mind from one condition to another which involves external manipulation with ulterior motives to bring about a desired change.


There are two steps involved in mental transmutation: 


  1. Awareness 


  1. Inversion


It is important to understand that the process of being self-aware of a personal flaw and working on correcting it is not the same as ‘mental transmutation’.

Here is a non-occult example: 

Addictions: No matter what the addiction may be; alcohol, drugs, social media, etc, addicts typically do not want to change. Being made aware of the harm in their addiction can lead to anger and rejection of help. They do not want to see it because they either do not want to change or do not think it is possible for them to succeed if they try. It is "safer" if they can avoid "awareness". It is not the "awareness" they are fighting against but the "inversion" that happens next. 

 We have all experienced a non-occult inversion in our daily lives, for example: once you’re aware you’re driving the wrong way, you turn the car around. 

  •  Realizing you are not going in the desired direction = awareness 

  • Changing the direction = inversion 


The second step in mental transmutation is to polarize the awareness state to its opposite (inversion). Ex: from dark to light. This differs from the general recognition and correction we all experience in that it applies to the masses and is typically done without our consent in order to obtain whatever the desired goal is by the so-called elite. 

 Mental transmutation can be demonstrated by Hegel’s Dialectical process of 

  •  Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis 

  • Problem, Reaction. Solution

  • Awareness, Inversion, Union or Balancing of opposites (the highest goal of the Mysteries).

Mental Transmutation is social transformation on a mass scale. It is important to understand these fundamental principles because it demonstrates that the ‘inverse’ of being aware of the tyrannical Globalists is not the answer. It's just the next step in the original plan.


Two Poles of the Same Axis


The Great Inversion consists of two poles: dark and light. You can also think of the poles as the right or left hand joined by the body (axis). They are not independent of each other nor are they enemies. They work in a symbiotic relationship to accomplish a shared goal, no matter how messy that appears to be. The poles are joined by an axis, thus, the two can never be separated, they can only vary in degree. 


They divide in order to conquer.


Society has been conditioned to become stuck in thinking there is only one option, or pole. In the case of The Great Inversion, only seeing the dark’s agenda. This is understandable because of the monopoly and reach of mainstream media with no convenient alternative. Most people entertain the dark side’s narrative without being aware of the other pole. However, that is impossible. A pole cannot exist without its opposite. 

A coin has two sides.  

A battery has positive and negative poles.

They cannot be separated.

One does not exist without the other.

Both options are present at the same time. Everything is bipole, even thoughts. In any state, there is an opposite pole to it that is already present. For example, in the same moment there is a negative mood, there is also a positive mood. Where there is addiction, there is the choice of recovery.


The Great Inversion, however, is not the "normal and necessary" non-occult aspects explained above. It is the occult, or, the powers-that-be (TPTB), that manipulate humanity’s natural behavior to achieve their goals. The two options are equally bad. Which do you prefer, overtly evil or the lesser of two evils?

If there is ‘negative’, or dark, then there is at the same time ‘positive’, or ‘light’. If the dark-side Globalist idea is The Great Reset, then the light-side is The Great Awakening.

Due to the nature of polarity, (one axis with two opposing poles) Jesus cannot be this ‘light’ unless you believe He is also ‘darkness’, which is contrary to Scripture. Since dark and light are on one axis and can’t be separated, the fact of the matter is that the ‘light’ side is Lucifer masquerading as an angel of light. This will be explained in further detail below. 

To get from dark to light, TPTB accomplish it by using the Hegelian dialectic of problem -> reaction -> solution via mental transmutation. In this case, the problem is the dark-side’s oppression, the reaction is realizing that the dark-side oppression is bad (awareness), and the solution is freedom from that oppression delivered by the “light”-side (inversion), which was their plan all along. Don’t get caught up in the scheme. The problem is never the solution. 


 The Great Inversion uses mental transmutation by creating "awareness" of the "dark" so that the masses will, by their own human nature, bring about the desired conclusion through "inversion" to the "Light".

By understanding that the other pole is always present, you can see the whole picture more clearly.


A Matter of Balance

The world as a whole (as opposed to localized parts of previous inversions) has been made aware of the ‘dark side’ on a massive scale, and that awareness is what has led to the reversal (or rejection) of that pole. Humanity has been steered toward the opposite pole, or the ‘light’ side of the spectrum.

Ex: One pole takes away your freedom, the other promises to give it back. One pole takes away money/rights/free speech, etc, the other promises to return them.

You may be thinking that the Great Awakening is the desirable alternative to the Great Reset, and that would be true if this inversion were organic, but it’s not. It is a Hegelian dialectic (Problem -> Reaction -> Solution). 

“Behind all collective progress stands the enlightened individual's leadership.” - Freemason and Mystic, Manly P. Hall.

Hall is saying that there are always those at the highest levels that are behind any progress or societal change. It is a careful steering of humanity in whichever way they want it to collectively go. Just because something looks good on the surface doesn't mean that it is. Dig a little deeper and apply it to the big picture.

Dialectics are not accomplished by the people, but through the people; to paraphrase Manly P. Hall’s book, The Secret Destiny of America.

The ‘Other’


There is a long history of social manipulation using a concept that can be referred to as "the other". The tactic is essentially where an organization or government sets up an "other" which causes the masses to band together in commonality to fight against the targeted "threat". These "others" are not restricted to people groups, but can be intangible things such as Covid, climate change, or mass shootings. The concept can be seen illustrated in movies where a global event like an ‘alien’ invasion causes all of humanity to unite. On a smaller scale than an ‘alien’ invasion, wars make people cooperate for "the war effort". 


When the "other" is identified and camaraderie is running high it feels good. The true purpose of setting up "others" is to unify the masses underneath the powers that "identified" the threat. 

The Great Awakening identifies the Globalists as ‘the other’ and the Globalists identify Q and MAGA supporters as ‘the other’. The Globalists vs the MAGA ‘other’ is the Government against The People. The Great Awakening vs the Globalist ‘other’ is The People against the Government.

The ones that have been creating all of the "other" situations to stay in power (Globalists) are now themselves the "other". It's not a failure of tyrannical power, it is the purposeful continuation of a premeditated plan to bring about a newer order.

 We know the inversion from dark to light is the plan of TPTB instead of a grass-roots movement started by the people (or God). We know this because it is evident in their own literature, philosophies, and actions.


The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice Bailey

The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall

The Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky

The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon 

The inversion from dark to the light, and the eventual union of opposites, is the ultimate goal of the highest-level individuals and organizations at the top of the world power structure based on their Mystic belief systems. As the details of those beliefs are beyond the scope of this article, links for more information on the occult philosophies held by the elite can be found here: 

 The Inversion Has Not Been Televised


There will probably not be a neon sign announcing we’ve reversed course and are steering toward the ‘light’ word order. Which of the Globalist-owned MSM networks would tell you? If any alternative media tells you, they paint it in the dualistic way of being the ‘only’ option, i.e. “If ‘dark’ is bad, then ‘light’ is good”. The inversion will not be televised, but it is on our screens. The patterns of world events add up to the bigger picture. This is why it is important to observe information without internalizing it.

To understand the dark-side’s narrative, watch mainstream media sources and listen to the narratives they craft and the wording they use to steer your conclusions, thoughts, and opinions. (ABC, CNN, FOXNews, Washington post, etc)

These means of communication are not just for the public, but they’re also coded messages to each other through the use of specific numbers, places, story subjects, etc.

To understand some of the light-side’s narratives, which are mainly found online, read alternative media sites such as those listed below:


Real Time News:

We The Media:


General Michael Flynn:


Truth Social:





The narrative and the counter-narrative are essential to complete the dialectic. The two eventually balance each other.No doubt you have noticed how unbalanced things have been. The more and more awareness is drawn to the ‘alternative’ or ‘light’ side, the more unstable the ‘dark’ narratives become.

No group is more aware of the current state of darkness, to this author’s knowledge, than those who follow Q*.

*This author does not follow/support Q or politics as explained in many of my videos - Read author note at top 

The Q movement was instrumental in raising awareness about the negative or ‘dark’ state humanity has endured. Many whistleblowers have come before and have come out since, but nothing mobilized the masses like Q. 

By definition, Q is a psychological operation, or a psyop.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a psyop (psychological operation) as: “military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy's state of mind through noncombative means”. 

A psyop does not mean “fake”, as in “not real”. It is a military strategy and it is an effective tool in information control. The ‘enemy’ in this case is the dark side of the pole and all of the systems, organizations, and conventional knowledge and narratives it entails.

This operation was not necessarily meant ‘for’ the people, but instead to be utilized ‘through’ the people. 

During his presidency, Donald Trump repeatedly called the mainstream media the “enemy of the people”, and insinuated it was an arm of the dark agenda, sometimes called ‘the Swamp’. Something new had to be created to circumvent their power and reach over the public. That ‘something’ was Q, the psychological operation that began in 2017.

In a speech from 2018 (timestamp 15:56 - 17:00), Trump described the reason the ‘light-side’ chose the internet as the battlefield for this information war. He said, “...we really have to bypass the media because it’s so one-sided and unfair, in order to get straight to the American people. That’s what we’re doing.” “...we have to just go around ‘em. We just have to go around ‘em, and we have gone around them like nobody in history has ever gone around them.”

Q reiterated the same statement right after the speech.

Q is the operation that bypassed the mainstream media (MSM).

The ‘non-combative means’ of this psyop is the purposeful erosion of trust via the dissemination of information. From trust in religious organizations (exposure of Catholic Church and Southern Baptist sex abuse cases, Hillsong scandals, financial misuse, etc) to the erosion of trust of those in positions of power (producers, directors, ‘experts’ in any field, scholars, etc), trust in other institutions (banks, corporations, media, social media, medical, academia, CDC, WHO, Government agencies, etc).

This isn’t a war of guns and ammo, this is an information war. Many are caught in the crossfire.

It All Blends to Gray


The popular anon term; ‘The Great Awakening’ goes hand-in-hand with awareness, and it is occurring at a staggering rate. The argument could be made that these types of things have always happened. The difference now is not that the frequency is increasing, it's the interconnectedness of our world that has made the masses aware at a previously unachievable rate. Awareness is the entire point.

What has happened behind the scenes in the last few years, which is now becoming more front and center, is connected to the Q psyop.

The implosion of the current world order (once called the New World Order, soon to be the Old World Order) is the planned demolition used to move to the next phase, the so-called ‘Golden Age’.

This Inversion from dark to light can be seen depicted in the 2012 short film titled I Pet Goat II*. *An interesting note, one of the visual effects artists, Dave Rand, worked on other films such as Disney’s Frozen and Moana.

At the end of the day, the top level occultists work toward a singular goal, using both sides to accomplish it. It isn’t black and white, at the highest levels it blends to gray.

Any reprieve from the ‘dark’ is a careful calculation by TPTB, adjusting the intensity by giving relief in the form of the ‘light’ side. You’ve probably noticed the pattern of push then release. There is an ebb and flow to all of this. There are periods of shifting the narrative forward and then there are periods of backing off and allowing people to assimilate to the new normal and take a “breather”. Since both sides of these ‘opposing’ systems are on the same battery (axis), rooting for either side means excluding God. If you are against the Globalists, that does not mean you must be trapped in the opposite pole. Do not conform to that axis of dark to light. 

There is a way out. God isn’t on that battery (axis), He has nothing to do with the systems discussed in this article. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). That is why the ‘light’ side is a false light. It is never separated from its dark pole. The two are forever joined.


Other examples:

  • A chessboard has both black and white spaces, but both are part of the same board and represent the same game. Both sides exist at the same time. God is not in that game.


  • The opposite of black magick is not God. The opposite of black magick is what is typically called white magick. Both are magick. Both are sorcery. God is not on that axis.


By putting Jesus on the same axis as His adversary, it is accepting the Kabbalistic motto “Demon est Deus inversus”, or, “The devil is God upside down”. God is not united with the devil. 

Can the two share an axis? The answer is no. The two have nothing in common. Evil is the result of the absence of holiness. Where there is sin, there is evil. God is sinless and holy. He is not a part of that axis, there is no degree of sin or darkness in God.

 More information about this topic here.

Many people unknowingly believe the motto ‘Demon est Deus Inversus’ because they have been conditioned to think in dualities, as we’ve explored in this article. The Great Awakening is purposefully geared towards Christians. The exchanging of the light of God for the false light of Lucifer is intentional.  The term, ‘The Great Awakening’, typically denotes a spiritual Revival. In this case, it’s the revival of the Mysteries, in the form of melding modern Christianity, Nationalism, and Mysticism. One way this has been accomplished is by hijacking the word ‘Light’ and letting people assume that it refers to the God of the Bible, when it does not.

The significance of the weaponization of the word ‘light’ by the Mysteries, why it matters and why it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ can be found in the following: 

General Flynn exchanging the definition of light for its mystic imposter: (beginning at the 1:30:00 mark) in An Inconvenient Reality.

History of the false light: MINDGAME Series.

Older video with some information: An Inconvenient History

Real World Examples:

The following are examples of how these concepts of polarity (light and dark, us vs them, etc) translate to real-world beliefs.

  • September 22, 2022

A Telegram post by Anon PepeLivesMatter:

Translation: “The world awakening was the goal.” - In other words, awareness (step 1) was the goal.

“Awakening and then justice” - Awareness (step 1) then Inversion (step 2).

“Something amazing is happening in the world” - It’s called the Great Inversion, the shift from Dark to Light.

“The cabal think they will achieve their reset but they don't realize that God loves to pull a reverse right when the enemy least expects it” - Language of reversal. This demonstrates the polarized thinking of if the Great Reset is bad then the Great Awakening is good. The same way many incorrectly think that if the devil is on one side then God must be on the other. 

“Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM” - an example of Awareness


“GOD WINS” - This is like saying ‘the God team’ vs ‘the Satan team’, another example of  ‘us vs them’ thinking. Using God as the mascot to carry out a government military psychological operation is wrong.

  • September 22, 2022

General Flynn gives an example of ‘the other’ tactic used by the Light Side to band the world against the Globalist threat. 

Translation: “Everyone who believes in freedom.” That’s like saying “Everyone who enjoys breathing.”

“Globalist takeover against humanity” If you’re a human, this is an ‘us’ vs ‘them’ statement.

He follows it up by calling all positive (the opposite of negative) freedom-loving and independent nation-state leaders to band together against the ‘others’ threatening to take away human rights. Finally a call to action in the form of ‘time is running out’. 

The following is an excerpt from the 13 minute video he linked:

Excerpt: "In the face of this global coup d'état, it is necessary to form an international antiglobalist alliance which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their own religious faith. If the attack is global, the defense must also be global. I call upon rulers, politicians and religious leaders...inviting them to unite in an alliance that launches an antiglobalist manifesto, refuting point by point the errors and deviation of this dystopian new world order and proposing concrete alternatives..

It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence.”

Archbishop Vigano bifurcates the problem into ‘us’ vs. ‘them’. He asks for rulers, politicians, and religious leaders to join in the ‘fight’. Vigano has long been a proponent of ‘light-side’ rhetoric.

These were only two examples of many.




What is Inversion?

 Inversion is a reversal from one state to another. It is a process, a spectrum, not a single event.

What is The Great Inversion?

The Great Inversion is a seismic shift from the current world order, to a new one. Every system worldwide is affected. It is a shift from the ‘New World Order’ to The ‘Golden Age’ (the Magnum Opus of the Mystery religions).

Why is it a bad thing?

Because the false ‘light’ has become a replacement for the hope of Jesus’ return and has brought about a tolerance and acceptance of Mystic teachings.

God is not part of either side (dark/light). He has no pole. The ‘light-side’ deception is purposefully geared toward Chrstians because it sounds ‘ok’ at a surface level, and occasionally uses Bible verses, but the intention is sinister. Don’t be blinded by the facade.

The ‘us vs them’ thinking keeps people trapped, or invested in a lose-lose situation. It’s ok to not be on either side.

It can easily overtake your life and become what you prioritize, especially when you feel you have something to lose if you don’t ‘fight’. Time is a gift from the Father and we should spend it accordingly. You can watch and observe what’s going on geopolitically, but you can’t expect answers or a permanent solution to a manufactured problem. 

What can we do?

Pray for protection from the outside influences. Ask God to protect you from TPTB’s mental transmutation. Pray for others who are affected by external influences and ask the Holy Spirit to lead them to truly seek Jesus.

Here is a poignant reminder for all of us from Revelation 2:1-7

Revelation 2:1-7 (KJV)

To the Church in Ephesus

“1 Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. 6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. 7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”


Thank you for reading,


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The Inversion Chronicles: (8/22-10/22)


Inversion Update (6/24-7/7/22)